Chapter Two - Never Again

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You could definitely say Harry has changed. Seven years without his father...a male role model.

As Harry woke up naked next to his love, he smiled.

"What are you smiling," Mal asked covering her smile with sheets. Harry took his hand under the sheets and caressed her face. "My mother's going to be mad,"

Harry smile only got bigger, he loved getting in trouble. Many of the crew have feared he is gone crazed like his father once did, always getting into trouble. "I'll protect you,"

Mal kissed his lips teasingly and got off the bed. Harry's eyes felt on her chest, and he found himself getting aroused "Eyes up here," She said oddly liking his reaction.

"No," He said quickly getting up. His eyes hungrily raked down her body. His hand wrapped around her, "You're so lucky I have things to do, or you would be in here with me...all day," He mumbled while kissing down her neck.

Mal stopped him as she knew; she wouldn't last long with him.

"Hey, I'll see you later," She said walking into the bathroom. Harry fell onto the bed, his back hitting the soft mattress. He then heard a loud 'Thud'. He quickly put his shorts on walking out into the Livingroom.

"I hate you," C.J yelled at Harriet. When Harry came into view she narrowed her eyes at him "I fucking hate both of you, you think you're better because you share a mother,"

Harry smirked at her mocking. "Is this about the boy," Harry laughed. "I was protecting you, my little sis," Harrys said. Mal came out of the dark hallways and sat next to Harry, Mal basically lived there.

"You're allowed to have Mal over, and Harriet's allowed to have Anthony Tremaine here," C.J yelled at them.

Harry put his hands up in a mocking way "She's the oldest," He said leaving his stool, he helped Mal down and left before glass was thrown at them.

"Your sisters are fucking crazy, shit," Mal said once out of his house. "Must run in family," She added.

"It must, though they get mad over anything. Those girls are pretty bitchy to each other, but I know they love each other," Harry Stated putting his arms around her, making her Move desirably closer to him as they walked.

As Harry and Mal got closer to her home, she kissed him goodbye. He walked the rest of the way to the shop. Uma and Mal haven't gotten along since Mal blamed Uma.

Uma understands that Harry likes Mal and that their dating but Uma doesn't really know the full extent of it. Harry is not to love Mal, actually, he can't love anyone. They might end up like his mother or Diane.

"Harry did you see the news," Uma exclaimed. She hated Mal; she believed Harry should have better. Harry shook his head. Harry features twisted in sadness and hurt as he watched the T.V.

"It looks like she knew for two weeks, I wonder why she didn't tell you she was leaving to Auradon," Uma then gasped "With Jay, Carlos, and Evie, so all of your friends are going?"

"Fuck off Uma; I just dropped her off, how could she..." He said his voice clear with disappointment. He then realized why Mal didn't let him walk her all the way home like she usually does.

Harry ran out of the shop as quick as he could "Mal," He yelled. Mal was in the house with bags on either side of her. Harry pushed through the crowd and made his way to her.

Her smile was sent to him "I'm sorry I didn't tell you," She dropping bags on the ground. Her hands went around Harry's neck pulling him closer to him "I'm," She kissed him "So sorry," She spoke on his lips.

"Why," His voice so low, so much love, maybe a little too much?

"They sent for us, prince whatever his name was. My mother wants us to get the wand, I'll be back. Just for you," She said kissing his soft lips again; she let herself have another taste of them.

"I love you," Harry exclaimed making Mal's eyes go wide.

"I'm sorry, I just don't...Feel that way about you," Mal picked up her fallen bags. Harry instead of crying, his face turned in a scowl. His eyes had no room for tears.

He walked out of the room. Mad at himself for letting love get to him. If only he knew, Mal was a good liar. She had been taught the same things as him "Don't love, it makes you weak," He said punching through the crowd.

Harry pushed the doors of the shop open to see a smirking Uma. "Help me," It wasn't a cry for help like she thought it would have been. What he said was a business deal.

Uma stood up walking in front of him. She looked up at him, "Why," Harry got on his knee holding her hand. Everyone in the shop could see them, and she loved that most.

"I'll let you be captain," gasped filled the small room. Uma was taken back. She nodded quickly she didn't trust herself to talk "I'll be the first mate of course,"

"Why," Now it was Uma's turn to ask.

"Because I haven't seen my father in almost eight years, plus it doesn't matter to be Captain when we're on the isle. But, If I want my title back, I shall have it," He said knowing damn well she wasn't listening to him.

"What's our first task," Uma said letting Harry get up.

"Let's make sure nobody knows of Mal, Evie, Jay, and Carlos..." and so it begins, Harry can't hate Mal. Deep inside he still loves her, but he knew from the start not to love her, and he messed up his heart...forever.

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