Chapter Seven - Oceans on Fire

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His lips pressed to hers, their mouths in sync. She wanted it...She wanted this. Mal's hands pressed on Harry's biceps so she kept steady.

He pressed a kiss to her neck. Harry's hands moving down to her waist, holding her against him. He picked her up as Mal's legs automatically wrapped around hers.

Her back hit the wall, as Harry closed the door with his foot. He bit into her shoulder as she shuddered. Mal unconsciously pulled Harry tighter against her body.

Their pants mixed together, their foreheads touched as they looked each other in the eyes. Mal's eyes widened as the lust slowly left her body.

"Harry!" She pushed Harry, as she fell back. "Get out," She yelled tears threatening to come down. "Leave,"

"I love you," His face was an emotionless façade; He wanted to pour his heart out. "I've always loved you; I've needed you for a very long time. You can't tell me, after all, this time you don't love me," He pleaded. He got on his knees and looking into her eyes.

"I don't love you, I will never love. I only love Ben," She looked him straight in the eyes, Harry knew it was a lie.

"Is because you want to be a queen? You can be my Queen...You are my queen."

"He is good; He makes want to be good. I want to be different, He's taking me down a better path than you ever could," She replied looking away.

"I can be good, I will be good." He begged. He couldn't let her go. She was the most important person to him. "Please, I need you,"

Mal looked at him. He was on his knees, but she couldn't be with him. She actually did want to be good. So she did want she had to do, and want she said next, she would always regret. "I don't want a filthy pirate like you. I was only with you because of your name, I have never liked you. And now that I've found someone better, A King, I don't need you." Mal felt disgusted with herself, but she and Harry would never work, she would learn to love Ben, and forget about Harry.

Harry felt heartbroken "I'm leaving," The pirate he once knew, Fell. As he stood up, His icy glare was fixed on Mal. He didn't care if she meant it or not, if she truly loved him she wouldn't have to say it.

"Then leave,"

He left.


As Harry wore the clothes his father gave him, He stared at himself in the mirror. His face was emotionless, his barrier was back up. It was the next day, Harry was ready to leave. He didn't unpack anything, so all he had to do was pick up the small bag of his things.

As he left the building he was welcomed with a small breeze. "Harry," He turned to the side, the long robe of his clothing dragging with him. He truly looked like a pirate.

"Yes," His voice was hard and cold. Every bit his father. Just like dad.

"You're going aren't you?" He nodded looking at C.J "Good cause I'm coming too," Harry smiled at his sister. "Just don't tell Harriet, She doesn't want to come,"

The Hook siblings walked behind the castle. They saw the ocean and ran down the hill like children. As they turned they saw the ship. It was definitely lived up to expectations. It was hard brown wood color, with red accents.

The flag was black and blew with the wind. "Son, Daughter. I see one has not taken up on my offer," He still smiled. He still acted like it didn't hurt that his daughter chose good, over evil.

"It's okay father, I need this. C.J does too," Captain Hook put his arm around C.J and Harry and walked them into the vessel. As they walked the crew bowed.

Harry felt at ease, He felt at home; but as much as he wanted to hide his feelings, he thought about Mal, even when they left Auradon that night.

Even when they entered unknown waters, he still thought about her. He looked at the moon and wondered if she saw the moon, if she was looking at the same moon he was.

He was right.

Because a thousand seas away, they would still think about each other. A thousand miles away from each other, it would be certain they would see the same moon, and it was also certain that they would see each other again.

"Father," Harry said, leaning over the railing.

"Yes, son,"

"About those oceans,"

"The ones on fire," Captain Hook questioned. He had completely forgotten about that talk, maybe because he always lived in the moment, he never thought about the Future, or past, only the present.

"The Oceans that are on Fire," Harry said. "Can we see them one day?"

"We'll see so many oceans," Captain Hook said leaving the atmosphere.

"Oceans of Fire," He repeated smiling, before sleeping away all his pain from today for the next.

Poor Mal, and Harry😢

This story is not even close to being done!!!

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