Chapter Twelve - Maleficent

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"Flowers are strange," He said walking around the dock with Mal. Their hands entangled like vines to a tree.

"Really," Mal said looking at the Vast Ocean. She never saw the ocean much, only the little part she saw in the limo when she left the isle.

"Flowers are comfortable to look at. They have neither emotions nor conflicts." He said looking into the great unknown. Harry turned around and stood their admiring Mal. He had always wanted to see into people's souls, to read their minds.

"The ocean truly is beautiful," she said. Mal didn't even notice how Harry stared at her. He preferred it that way, he preferred her to stay. The ocean truly was beautiful but like life, the deeper you go, the darker it gets.

He smiled at her smile, in all his days he's never smiled as much as he has now. He isn't sure if that's good or bad but for now, he likes it.

"Captain," Smee bowed. "It's important," Harry nodded and watched Smee left. Harry grabbed Mal by the waist and held her closet his body; he inhaled their scent before placing a kiss on her head.

"I love you," He whispered into her ear before leaving the calm air. As he got closer and closer to the meeting room his body stiffened more, he could sense more. Each second he was going from the fun-loving harry everybody loved to the strict and violent Captain.

He barged in and sat in the chair, we watched everybody straighten up a little bit more. "What happened?"

"We have a way to win this war," Thomas said confidently. After they left "King" Benjamin officially waged war...Though everybody knows it's about Mal, My Mal.

"How" His voice was hard and curious it sounded as he tripped in age. He was generally curious how the feeble-minded pirates got it, but he didn't question it that much.

"Maleficent," Gil said. Harry was still confused before Gil showed him a drawing "Maleficent," He said, this time Harry smiled catching on to what he was saying...

Harry stood up "Maleficent," He said.


As Harry got back his quarters he heard the shower turn off. He looked at the drawing in hope. It could be the future for him and Mal or the destruction...

He heard the door open and immediately looked up to see a naked Mal. Mal gasped, as Harry raked his eyes down her figure "Harry," She said grabbing a towel, he smirked to himself.

"I've got great news," He said. "I know how to win the war," He said smirking. She continued to get dressed still listening.

Mal wasn't so sure about this whole war thing, though Auradon had it coming. "Tell me," Harry then showed her the drawing. A wand and a purple haired girl; "What is this,"

"You have to go back to Auradon, and get the wand and Maleficent," Harry said watching for her expression.

"My mother probably hates me, and they in no way would they let me go back there," She grounded out.

"You act like you came back for...Him," Harry said. He could barely get it out, he hated Ben, and he also hated to think of him holding what's his.

"Harry," She warned looking away so many things could go wrong. "It's your choice of course," Harry reminded her.

He took her hands in his and made her look in his eyes "What if I betray you," she said. She couldn't see what was in his eyes as he closed them.


"What if I get caught...What If, "His hands left her and held onto her waist pushing her closer to him.

"I trust you," He said.

"I wouldn't," His heart broke as he opened his eyes "I don't want to hurt you, but knowing me I always find a way to screw up,"

"I would trust you until my dying breath...I would trust you even if you betrayed me...I will always trust you," He said.

"Thank you for trusting me...Loving me,"

"Thank you for giving me someone to trust...Love," Harry brought his hands to her cheeks. His lips brushed past her lips before pressing down.

The soft temptation of her lips always had him fighting for more. Their tongues made a slow dance like a ballerina on ice, and as they made their worlds disappear for one night.


Sorry!! I haven't posted in weeks...Authors Block I honestly couldn't think of anything...Also, I had to study for midterms!!

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 11, 2017 ⏰

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