Chapter Four - The Prince

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Harry here's a knock on the door.

"Prince Ben," Harry said, bowing in the process. He knows not piss of royals.

"Captain," Ben says. "I want you to tell you to stay away from Mal," Harry laughed continuing to unpack his things.

Harry can't stay away from Mal even if he wanted to. She's within his grasps now, and he won't stop especially for some 'Prince'.


"Harry, Mal is going to be a Queen, My Queen. She doesn't need some rebel pirate trying to win her heart, she's good," Ben wants him to understand, Ben loves her but Ben doesn't understand the past they have together.

The past of heartbreak, the past where they had to depend on themselves, they risked a lot of thing for each other and some spoiled prince wasn't going to get in their way.

"I don't need to win her heart; I already have it, prince. She may be good now, but I know her more than anybody. I know what she needs," Harry already hated the idea of being "Good"  But, if she wanted 'Good', then 'Good' he shall be.

"The Bad guys always win the battle," Ben Stated. "Good guys always win the war," Harry smirked.

"I didn't say I was going to fight for her. I already have her. You're thinking of our parents, I'm better than my father," Harry stepped closer to Ben, more in a threating way.

Ben was scared a little, but as future King, he had to fight. Ben gathered himself and left Harry's room. Harry's smirk turned into a full-blown smile.


Mal has never thought of herself as a princess.

Here she is now practical a Queen. She's sort of happy with Ben, but when he told her he was going to bring some people over, and she could choose them, she went overboard. Then she saw Harry, and she definitely missed him.

She wanted to jump into his arms, hug and kiss him. She almost forgot about Ben. Ben, he's nice, but he's too good. She feels like one thing will disappoint him, with Harry he didn't judge, he encouraged her to do whatever she wanted.

She was his queen, In Auradon it's different. There are cameras everywhere, watching her every movement. She can't-do what she wants, she can't be free. Their waiting for her to slip up, she was bad.

She hates how people push those words around "Good" "Bad" two different words, Opposites. she misses being her own person, she misses that the most.

She doesn't want to Bad nor Good. In Auradon good means perfect, bad means imperfect. On the isle, it was switched.

It's only one way or another, and she hates it. "Mal," As she heard Ben's voice her back straightened, her lips curves into a smile, and her head was tilted upwards. She wanted Perfection.

"Yes, Ben," Her earlier thought gone, as she saw him. Ben was more innocent, she felt a need to not spoil it for him, and she couldn't be herself, It's not love.

"Never mind," He said. Ben didn't want to know. It would only break his heart if what he thought was true about her and Harry Hook.

Mal watched him leave, the door closed. Her posture dropped. She fell onto her mattress. Evie was with Harriet and C.J, Carlos and Jay were probably with Harry. And Mal didn't get along with Uma.

Mal didn't want to be with anybody, she wanted to be by herself, and maybe with a certain pirate.    

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