Chapter Eleven - Sister

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"Please," Harry pleaded. "C'mon everyone else said yes," He told Harriet.

"They have to go." It was somewhat true, after the whole ordeal with Mal and Ben. Ben decided to send all villains back to the isle, of course, nothing was going to happen with that decision, but the villain kids deiced it was for the best to leave.

"You're my sister, my older sister," Harry said "I need you," He whined. Harriet couldn't help grinning at her younger brother's foolishness. "I wove you," He pouted.

Harriet hit him on his arm, chuckling "Harry stop!" She laughed. "I've made lots of friends; I want to stay here,"

"They're not going to be your friends when they turn on you," Harry yelled, the air was tense. "Father said-"

"Father said," Harriet mocked, "Father didn't say shit." Harriet looked at her brother in disgust, he was the exact image of him, and one day everyone would see it. "Father is old, he breaking. He's going to snap,"

"I don't listen to the old man anymore," Harry shouted, the room wasn't calm anymore it was the fighting of the dominance Harriet lost because she was a female.

"Then who do you listen to?" Harry was surprisingly calm at the question. Harry opened his mouth but nothing came out "Parrot got your tongue?" Harriet teased.

Harry stood up, throwing his glass against the wall. The sound made Harriet visibly flinch. The glass fell everywhere "YOU LISTEN TO ME FEMALE," Harriet was scare of her brother in this moment, she finally saw the killer everyone saw on the isle. "I AM GREATER THAN YOU...I AM YOUR CAPTAIN,"

"I'm sorry," Harriet whispered, she was frightened by this male, her younger brother. "I won't speak out of context again,"

"YOU SHOULD BE," Harry said, "If you stay here, you will die here, so choose wisely, because I won't come back for you, even if you're blood," Harry's said his voice deeper, deadlier.

Harry walked out of the room, he couldn't stay. He boarded his ship, his crew bowing. As he got into his room, he flopped on his bed.

"Harry," He turned around and saw Mal standing by the doorway, "I saw..." He stood up and walked towards Mal. The pads of his fingers caressed her cheek.

"You're so beautiful," He whispered. She calmed him; she was his safe-haven. This is love. "I'm just upset, love,"

"You know what makes me happy," Mal smiled bouncing around, Harry smiled shaking his head, music "Music," Harry laughed.

Mal ran and turned on some classical music, "I don't know how to dance Mal," Harry smiled. Mal took Harry by the hands and dragged him into an open space. "Just follow me," She grinned.

Mal put his hands on her waist, as her own hands went up to his shoulders. They moved awkwardly around the room.

Mal spun into Harry, "See, you can totally do it," She grinned. Harry grinned as he dipped Mal, giving her quick peck on the lips before bringing her up.

"Thank you," Harry exclaimed sincerely.

"For what?"

"For making me happy," Before Harry could continue there was a knock on the door. "Come in,"

"Captains, we're ready," Thomas said.

"Who's on the ship from the isle," Harry asked, wondering if Harriet took his offer.

"Evie, Carlos, Jay, Uma, Gil, and C.J," Harry clenched his jaw.

"What about Harriet,"

"She gave me this note," Thomas brought it over to his Captain. Harry snatched it out his hand, as Thomas ran.

Dear Harry,

Fuck you!

Harry threw the Note on the floor. Mal quickly grabbed it and read it "its okay," She whispered.

Harry held out his hand for Mal, as she took it walking with him.

"What happened to the woman you came here with," Mal questioned.

"She got a little too friendly with my old friend, Cade, now they're both swimming with the fish." Mal gasped.

"Listen up crew," Harry said once arriving. "We're going back to the isle, getting more allies. Then Auradon will be ruined,"

Mal couldn't help being sad, She messed up with leaving in the first place, but war. She still wasn't used to the idea.

"You okay, luv?" Mal nodded. "War is another word for justice,"

"Isn't that what the bad guy says," Mal looking up, staring into his soul.

"We are the bad guy's luv,"


This was just a filler chapter

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