Chapter Nine - I Missed You

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As they walk through the corridors, Harry's eyes stayed on Mal's head. He knew Ben was watching him the whole time, and he loved every moment of it. How is he the king?

When Mal looked back he removed his gaze, it was a game between them, except she didn't want to play. As they entered the office, Ben sat down as Harry sat in front of both Ben and Mal.

"What do you want," Ben growled. Harry smirked; he reached into his pocket and gave him the large document.

"I want you to drop the barrier," Harry smiled innocently. Except there was nothing innocent about Harry Hook, and Mal knew that. He was just like his father, Evil, merciless, and cunning.

"What," Ben exclaimed. "Why would I do that, everything would be ruined," Harry's eyes were trained on Ben's.

"It's either that..."

"Or, what Harry!" Mal's voice came. The green of her eyes shone, Just like her mother.

 She knew what was coming because she almost lived it once. She remembered it because it was the day her father was killed, the day her mother stopped talking to her.

"War," His voice had venom. "Everything you've loved will be destroyed, so make the choice now! Drop the barrier to the isle, or war,"

"Fuck," He screamed. "No, I will not drop the barrier," He yelled. Harry's eyes blazed with fire, then he smiled. Harry's chair scraped against the marble floor.

Harry walked out the room, though he already had his army. "Harry," He heard a voice. His whole body tensed as he felt a hand on his shoulder. "Harry," Her soft voice was music to his ears.

He turned around and looked at her. "Mal," He smiled. "What are you doing?"

"Harry, you can't go to war," He felt rage seep through him.

"Why the fuck not, let me guess, you can't be Queen if your castle is gone," His voice echoed down the empty hallways. 

"That's not what I-"

"I bet you were happy when I left," Harry slowly walked to Mal as she propelled backward keeping his pace.

"I bet you didn't even realize I was gone until I came back." Mal's back hit the wall, as Harry kept driving forward until he was so close she could feel his hot breath fan her cheek.

Her hands came to rest on his biceps, as her heart rate picked up drastically. His hands came to rest on her thigh, as their eyes stared into each other's, souls.

"I missed you," She panted, as his hand slowly drew circles on her covered thigh, his other on her cheeks. "I cried for you,"

"You did?" His lips brushed against hers. Their lips were so close. "I love you," He whispered too caught up in the moment to know what he said.

"I love you too,"

Both their eyes open widen at what Mal had said. He smiled before, quickly pecking her lips. "It's me or him, princess,"

"What do you mean?" She called out as he walked away.

"Come with me, be my queen. Or be his queen and fight their war," He said as he disappeared from her view.

He stopped as he heard her say "If only it was that simple,"


I might update again, tomorrow or Tuesday, but I don't really know.

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