One | Surprise, Bitch

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A/N: I just wanted to say: thank you so much for giving my stuff a try! I promise it won't be awful!

Many a good hanging prevents a bad marriage. 

- William Shakespeare

- William Shakespeare

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"Fuck off..." 

Dan's fingers caressed the diamond ever so gently, almost as if he was afraid to break it. If it was up to me he was more than welcome to. 

"And he just left it on your nightstand?"

Surprise was clear in his voice as he shifted his gaze the expensive piece of jewelry back to my face. He was clearly impressed by the shimmering stone, as was understandable given it had cost at least a couple tons, but more so he seemed aggravated. He knew whom it had come from, and he knew what that meant. 

"Yup." I popped the p and let myself fall back on the couch, the same mixture of shock and rage clearly mimicked in my own expression. "It was there when I got home." 

For as far as I knew Ian and Dan were the only two people who had a spare key, and neither of them could have done it since the first was on a business trip to Thailand and the latter was sitting right next me. Ian had his people though. 

"And it came with this?" 

He didn't bother to hide the disdain in his voice as he gestured towards the bouquet of black roses I had dumped on the coffee table in front of us. I hadn't taken the effort to put them in a vase, and I wasn't going to. The only reason they hadn't ended up in the trashcan yet was because I had wasted no time calling Dan. 

All I could muster were a sigh and a nod of my head as I tried my best to push back the feeling of desperation that were taking over my chest. I had never dreamed of a grand proposal with an orchestra and a speech and everything, but black roses and a scribbled note? That was just no way to ask a girl to marry you. 

Not that Ian was asking

Dan's fingers were reaching for the piece of paper to read and mumble the words out loud, but I didn't need to hear it again to know what it said. About time we get properly engaged. You can start planning the wedding now. Six months tops. No 'will you', or a 'with love', or even a polite 'yours truly'. Nope. Just about fucking time. 

It wasn't like we were doing this out of love, but that didn't mean Ian had to be so cold about it. Marriage was a big deal. We would have to spend at least a few years of our lives together, if not all of them. Hell, his father was even pushing us for grandchildren already; a thought that wholly repulsed me. With his current attitude I wouldn't trust the man with a dog, let alone a baby. 

Besides, that meant we would have to have unprotected sex. Marriage or not; the chances of that happening were about as big as the chances of me being eaten by a shark tomorrow, and the latter quite frankly sounded more pleasurable. 

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