"You want a beer or somethin' princess?"

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(Sean's POV)
The next morning I just couldn't deal with it anymore. I needed to get things straight. I walked into my kitchen with messy hair shortly after I woke up. I grabbed a light blue mug and poured myself some coffee.
I think,
And think,
And think.
As I slowly blink.
I should probably go over there and tell him what I need to. So I slip on some shoes and head outside. It was a chilly day today. Everything was still. No movement, no cars, no noise. I didn't really like it. I ended up taking a shortcut through that alley as I approach Marks door. I knock on the warn rusty door and wait. He didn't answer the door. I know this was a stupid idea, but I softly opened the door anyways closing it behind me. "Mark?" I call out as I walk around. I reach the kitchen as I see him on the floor. I can't tell if he's passed out or sleeping, but he was very still. Just like how it was outside. "Mark?" I say softly and look at him.
No response.
I started to get closer so I could make sure his heart was beating correctly. I gently placed my hand on his chest. All of the sudden he grabs my wrist digging into my skin, pushes me into the wall, growls and has his other hand against my neck. "M-Mark" I choke out. "I'm not go-gonna hurt you." I quickly grow paler. His grip loosened on my neck and my wrist. He looks at what he's done. "J-Jack I-" he starts "Sean" I cut him off. "I'm sorry." He says softly. "Just my reflexes." He adds. "It's ok" I say a little scared as I look down at my wrist to see it bruised and bloody from where he dug his nails. I couldn't imagine what my neck looked like. "Shit I'm so sorry" he says. This is the most polite I've ever seen him. He goes to the sink and dampens a wash cloth. He rests it on my wrist gently. "Your neck is a little red, but it should go away soon." He says gently. "Is there anything I can do for you?" "No im okay, but thank you." I respond. His eyes were dark as night with hints of gold and red. He made a slow movement as he lifted my chin up to look at my neck as he gently ran his fingers down the bones of my neck. He let go softly as I lowered my head. He bit his lip. He broke that mood. "You want a beer or somethin' princess?" He asked jokingly. I laughed slightly. "No I-I don't drink." "I should've known." he said as he fetched a bottle for himself. He set down his bottle and grabbed my waist lifting me up so I could sit on the counter. "Sorry I don't have chairs." He smiled and stood across from me. I gave him a small smile. "So" he said as he opened up the bottle. "Random question... Have you ever even kissed anybody?" I shook my head embarrassingly. "Really?" He sounded shocked. "Have you ever had dick?" "What?" I said confused. "Wait do you even know what a blowjob is?" He asked as he seemed curious. "No." I said softly. "Damn" he said and drank his beer.

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