7: Welp

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The following Monday, Sherwin got to school a bit earlier than usual. Clutching Jonathan's coat in his arms, he made his way through the grounds and stopped at the front steps. Maybe he should wait there for Jon to give him his stuff? His original plan was to return it during science, but it was probably best if the other kids didn't see him carrying around Jonathan's clothes.

Sherwin sat down on the bottom step, and watched as the dew on the grass slowly evaporated. He stayed like this for a while, enjoying the morning breeze, until a loud voice interrupted his thoughts.

"Ugh, it's that weird kid. What's he doing out here?" Sherwin looked up and saw Kylee Pratt walking towards the building with Ginny and another girl. When he met Kylee's eyes, her gaze hardened, and she made a choking noise. "Ew, he's looking at us!" she exclaimed, grabbing her friends and pulling them with her through the doors. "Quick, get inside or we'll catch his fag cooties!"

Ginny and the other girl's hysterical laughter faded away as the thick, wooden doors shut behind them. Sherwin looked down at his hands, which were clenched into fists. It's not my fault I'm like this.

Luckily, Sherwin didn't have to encounter any other kids in his wait for Jonathan, who arrived shortly after Kylee went inside. "Hi Sherwin," Jon said, joining him on the steps. "Hey wait, is that my jacket?"

Sherwin nodded, blushing, and handed it over. "You left it on my couch," he informed him. Jonathan gratefully put it on, then turned to Sherwin, holding out an apple.

"Want a bite?" he asked.

"No, I don't like apples. Sorry." It wasn't true. Sherwin did like apples, but they reminded him of last year, so he actively avoided them.

"Suit yourself." Jon shrugged and bit into his breakfast. They both sat there for a while; Jon eating and Sherwin...well, sitting. As more kids gradually started coming up the sidewalk, Sherwin felt his insides squirm. He loved being with Jonathan, but with everyone around? The teasing would be endless.

"I-I think I might go inside," Sherwin said softly, beginning to get up. Jon looked at him in surprise.

"There's still half an hour before the bell rings," he told him, eyebrows raised. "And it's so nice outside, why would you miss this?" Sherwin felt a tug at his chest. He really, really wanted to stay. But he knew that he couldn't risk people seeing him hanging out with Jonathan too much.

"I..." Sherwin started, his voice trailing off. His eyes met Jon's, almost pleadingly. Suddenly, Jonathan seemed to understand.

"Oh," he said, looking down at his half-eaten apple. "Okay, well, I'll see you in third." Face red with embarrassment, Sherwin grabbed his stuff and headed inside.


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