21: *finger guns*

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The next few days were spent in extreme anxiety for Jonathan, who feared another situation like the one during gym practice. Thankfully though, no one threatened him or asked him questions. But, that didn't keep him from noticing strange behavior the following week.

For one thing, Kylee was usually all up in his business, especially during the periods they had together. But lately, she'd just say hi and then ignore him. Not only that, but Bryan and Hayden seemed more hostile and patronizing as well. Did I do something wrong? Jon thought as he walked past the two of them, who shared a look that seemed to say, "Oh, it's him."

In science class, he was eager to talk to Sherwin as always, but also worried if people were treating him weirdly. Or, at least, more weirdly than usual.

The moment Sherwin walked through the door was always the best. It made him so unbearably happy just to see the curly, orange hair and freckles that outlined Sherwin's soft features, as his downward cast eyes made their way up to meet his own. Jonathan gave his best smile, and rejoiced when the ginger blushed and smiled shyly back.

"Hey," Sherwin greeted quietly as he took his seat. Jon became serious as he told him what he'd been dealing with the past day.

"And then, just before I got here, Hayden and Bryan looked at me funny," he said. "Has anyone be-" He was cut off by Sherwin picking something off of himself. "What's that?" he asked as his friend de-crumpled a slip of paper. "Another note?"

"Looks like it," Sherwin muttered. "Why was this in my shirt pocket?" Jonathan took the note and read it, scrunching his eyebrows together in confusion.

"Don't take your usual route," it read.

"What route?" Jon questioned out loud. "Is this even for us?" Sherwin inspected it again, then spoke in a soft voice.

"Look how scribbly the writing is. It seems like...a warning? Some sort of advice?"

"Advice for what? What route?" Jonathan repeated, getting agitated. "What if it's not a warning, but a threat? What if-" He was interrupted by the bell, signaling the beginning of class.

"We can talk during lunch," Sherwin whispered, and he nodded. Hopefully, they'd be able to figure out what this new note meant.

At lunchtime, Sherwin brought out the tiny scrap of paper again so they could analyze it. "It looks like it was ripped out of a spiral," Jon suggested.

"Aren't all notes like that?" Sherwin replied skeptically. Jonathan sighed.

"Yeah, I guess," he said, then came to a conclusion. "Okay, let's just forget about it. It might not even be for us."

"Are you sure?" Sherwin asked hesitantly. "I feel like this is important."

"If it was so important, why would they not include important details, like, uh what they're even talking about?" Jonathan reasoned. Sherwin shrugged and put the note away.

"I guess."


Sorry for the short chapter (and somewhat cliffy cliffhanger), but I'm tired today and just not in the mood to write.
You'll get more plot tomorrow, I promise.

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