15: Boop beep

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Short but sweet

Jonathan didn't want the night to end. After spending another hour hanging out with Sherwin at the duck pond and strolling through the neighborhood, it was almost time to leave.

As they approached Jonathan's house, their pace became slower and slower. He could tell Sherwin was reluctant to go, as well. Finally, they stopped in front of his yard. It was a bit past nine and the lights were all off. No more trick-or-treaters roamed the streets, and the air was silent save the rustling of dry leaves.

"So, uh, that was pretty fun," Jon said, not sure what to say. He could barely see Sherwin's face in the dark, but he think he nodded.

"...Jon?" Sherwin asked hesitantly, and Jonathan's heart pattered as he replied,


"Thanks for being my friend," he whispered. Jon heard a bit of sadness behind his friend's voice, and in that moment, he wanted to punch everyone who hated the poor boy.

"No," Jon corrected, "Thank you for showing me...that it doesn't matter what others think." He stepped forward and took Sherwin's hand. It felt so small in his grasp. Sherwin's eyes were wide now, and he seemed frozen in place.

"I-I uhh.." the ginger trailed off as his brown gaze landed on Jonathan's. They were so close now that he could make out the individual freckles on Sherwin's cheeks. What the hell am I doing? Jonathan thought as he leaned in and brushed his lips against the corner of Sherwin's mouth.

Warmth spread from his chest outward and up to the top of his head when Sherwin suddenly wrapped his arms around Jonathan and hugged him tightly. "I really like you," he murmured into his shoulder. Jon smiled and hugged him back.

"I like you too, Pumpkin."


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