9: And the updates keep comin

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A couple weeks had passed, and the weather got colder. It was late October; flat, grey clouds constantly hung overhead, putting a dull filter over the sky. Everyone was excited about one thing, though. Halloween.

The atmosphere at Newgate Junior High had changed as decorations sprung up around the grounds and throughout the hallways. Pumpkins lined the sidewalk, and teachers had put up electric candles to flicker outside their classrooms. Kids excitedly discussed their plans between classes as the widely celebrated holiday approached. Homemade costumes, candy, horror movies, and late-night pranks. It was Sherwin's favorite holiday, besides the fact that every year he spent it trick-or-treating with his little sister.

One day after lunch, Sherwin was lost in thought as he headed to math class. Earlier, Jonathan had playfully ruffled his hair before parting to go to english. He couldn't get Jon's smiling blue eyes out of his mind, nor the feeling of that light touch on the top of his head, which still tingled. In a trance, Sherwin lifted his fingers to feel his hair, then suddenly he bumped into something solid.

"Ow!" Bryan's voice sounded as he rubbed his arm. "Watch where you're going, pumpkin head!" Laughter filled the hallway as Sherwin's cheeks turned red.

"Hah, more like pumpkin face," one girl chided, resulting in even more laughs. Fists clenched in his pockets, Sherwin ducked away and went into an empty classroom. The noise level went immediately quiet as the door closed behind him. All was dark except for soft trickles of light escaping from a few windows.

Embracing the silence, Sherwin took a seat on a windowsill and peered out at the school grounds. Half-bare trees shook their limbs in the wind, causing brown leaves to float in cascades down to the grass below. From there, they were carried across the sidewalk, along the bushes and jack-o-lanterns, and out to the street beyond.

Sherwin sighed, his breath fogging up the glass. Maybe he could just spend fourth period here, curled up and waiting for the day to end. Lifting a finger, he traced a small heart on the glass, stared at it, then wiped it off. What was he doing here, lovesick and acting like his whole world had collapsed? Shaking his head with a scoff, Sherwin stepped down from the window and went to math class.

Ms. Perricone was borderline furious when Sherwin entered the classroom well after the bell had rung. "The cafeteria is literally right down the hall," she pointed out with an irritated tone. "It shouldn't take that long to get here after lunch ends." Sherwin mumbled some excuse about having to use the restroom, and after a small lecture and a detention slip for the following Saturday, he was finally allowed to sit down.

When he reached his desk, a small note was placed there, waiting for him. After glancing around, he snatched it up and opened it, half expecting it to be from Jonathan. Obviously it wasn't, because how could Jon have slipped him a note while he was in his english class? Still, he had hoped, and was immediately disappointed to see the words, "you wouldn't have to dress up to be a pumpkin for halloween" written there. Oh joy, his new nickname had already spread.


"I mean, come on, there are plenty of other redheads at our school," Jonathan said after Sherwin showed him the note. They were walking home, and Sherwin crumpled the paper once again and shoved it in his pocket.

"Probably like, four," Sherwin muttered, rolling his eyes. Jonathan looked at him with an exasperated expression.

"Still, though, it's just hair." They strolled along for a bit, when Jon spoke again. "I kind of like the nickname." Sherwin raised an eyebrow.

"Seriously?" he replied. "What's so cool about pumpkin head?"

"Well, but what about just 'pumpkin'? By itself?" Jon suggested. "That'd be kinda cute." Sherwin blushed, but shrugged it off.

"My mom already calls me tootsie, I don't need any other nicknames, thanks," he joked, and Jonathan laughed.

"Aw, come on, pumpkin! Admit it, it's not that bad!" They both laughed some more, then silence ensued once again. After a minute, they reached Sherwin's house. The two of them had made this walk many times, but for some reason, their parting felt different today. Sherwin paused as he said goodbye to his crush. He didn't want to leave this moment. He felt like he could stand there, in that exact spot, for a million years.

Jonathan shuffled his feet. "You, uh, doing anything for Halloween this weekend?" he asked. Sherwin's heart pounded.

"Um, not really," he said, then suddenly remembered. "Crap, I've got detention for Ms. Perricone!"

"Dude, on Halloween? Seriously?"

"Yeah. It lasts until 4 pm," Sherwin groaned. Jon gave him a curious look.

"What did you get detention for?" he questioned with a smirk. Turning pink, Sherwin fumbled his words.

"Uhh, i-it doesn't matter," he answered quickly, and Jon changed the topic back to Halloween.

"Well, how about we meet up after you get done with detention, and we can go to Hayden's party that evening. Sound good?" he asked.

"Oh, uh, okay. I-I mean, I'll ask my mom and dad," Sherwin answered, turning away. "See you at school tomorrow."

"See you, Sherwin."


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