26: Y'all need some fluff, here you go

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Sherwin found it extremely difficult to avoid Jonathan the next few school days, especially during science. Not because Jon kept trying to get him to talk, no. The opposite, in fact. With Jon's increasing silence, Sherwin felt worse and worse about their situation.

That Friday, he could hardly stand it anymore. Ignoring each other in the hallways. Eating lunch separately. Not walking home together. Plus, the next week would be Thanksgiving Break. Without school, he wouldn't even see Jonathan at all. Finally, Sherwin broke.

"Jon." He tapped his friend on the shoulder before he boarded the bus. Jonathan looked at him with a mixture of surprise and longing. Sherwin inhaled, then spoke: "Do...do you think we could hang out tomorrow? It'll be Saturday, so maybe..."

Jon glanced around, then nodded furtively. "Yeah," he whispered, smiling for the first time in a while. "You can come over to my place like last time. My mom says you're always welcome." Sherwin returned the smile, slightly blushing, then heard a cough behind him. Turning, the ginger saw Dante staring down at him, and he gulped and walked away, not bothering to say goodbye to Jonathan.


The next day, around noon, Sherwin tugged a thick sweater over his shirt and shoved his knitted green hat on top of his curly hair. Not only would these protect him from the cold, but they would also provide a means of camouflage in case one of his classmates happened to see him walking outside.

Checking in the bathroom mirror, Sherwin tucked a few, last, bright orange curls away and then headed downstairs. "Heading to your friend's house now?" his mom asked as she prepared lunch for his little sister.

"Yep," Sherwin replied, giving his shoelaces a quick tighten. "When do you want me back?"

"Before dark is fine," she answered, handing Melanie a plate of macaroni and cheese. Sherwin nodded and waved goodbye. As he passed the living room, he heard his dad call out.

"See ya, sonny boy! Stay warm out there!"

"I will!" Sherwin shouted back. Grabbing his house key, the ginger opened the front door and stepped outside, a fresh gust of wind almost knocking him over. Jeez, he thought as he made his way down the driveway.

Finally, after twenty minutes of being stung by 35 mph winds, Sherwin reached Jonathan's small, yet cozy abode. Remembering the broken doorbell, he quickly rapped against the wooden door, praying that he wouldn't have to wait outside much longer.

Luckily, his prayers were answered as Jonathan's mother appeared within a few moments. "Come on in, Sherwin!" she exclaimed, pulling him inside. "You poor, freezing little guy. I've got hot stew, and Jon's at the table already eating." Sherwin thanked her wholeheartedly and followed the tall, frail woman to the dining room.

"Hur sherrin," Jon mumbled excitedly through a mouthful of food. He swallowed, then got up to give him a hug. Sherwin accepted the embrace, almost melting in his arms. I really miss this, he thought. After they separated, Sherwin took the seat across from Jonathan, where his friend's mom had already placed a steaming bowl of veggies and chicken along with a spoon and napkin.

"Honestly, thank you so much," the ginger told her again, and she just smiled and turned back to her other tasks. Jon grinned at him. "What?" Sherwin said, raising his eyebrows in confusion.

"Nothing," the brunette responded. "Nothing at all. I'm just glad you're here." Sherwin turned pink, then occupied himself with eating his food. The stew was cooked to absolute perfection. Its balanced blend of potatoes, meat, and various vegetables reminded Sherwin of the holidays, when he'd get to taste-test his own mother's cooking for Christmas dinners and such. Which reminded him...

"What do you guys have planned for this Thanksgiving?" Sherwin asked Jon, who just shrugged.

"We don't really celebrate Thanksgiving," he told him. "There's only two of us, so not much point in spending money on a huge feast." Sherwin gasped.

"You should come to my place for the holiday!" he exclaimed, almost spewing food everywhere. He took a moment to swallow, then continued. "We always cook a humongous dinner, and sometimes my grandma comes over and helps. It's so fun!"

Jonathan chuckled. "I guess I'll ask Mom later," he said, picking up his bowl. "You finished?"

Sherwin nodded, and Jon reached out to take his dish as well. After rinsing them off, his friend gestured for Sherwin to follow him. "We can hang out in my room, as long as we keep the door open."

"Wait," Sherwin paused, glancing to see if his mom was nearby. "So, she knows?" Jonathan nodded casually.

"Yeah, she's cool about it. Just no 'messin' around'," he joked, and Sherwin blushed deeply, turning away so he wouldn't see. When they stepped inside Jonathan's room, the freckled ginger realized he hadn't seen it last time he was there. The walls were painted a deep blue, and a small, framed window sat above the bed, which looked old and creaky. A wooden dresser sat in the right corner next to a bookshelf which hung from the wall by a few nails.

"Your room is so..." Sherwin trailed off, looking around in amazement.

"–tiny, I know," Jonathan finished, sighing. Sherwin shook his head.

"No, I was gonna say clean, actually," he corrected, laughing a bit. "You're a lot more tidy than I am." He saw Jon trying not to smirk and grinned. "But don't worry about it being small. I think it's quite cozy." Sherwin sat down on the bed, running his hands over the worn covers.

Jonathan joined him, bouncing the mattress slightly. "Thanks," he said softly. Sherwin was about to say something, but Jon suddenly reached over and tickled his side, making him roll over with laughter.

"HEYY!" the ginger complained, giggling uncontrollably. "Not fair!" He spotted a pillow on the far end of the bed, and grabbed it as a means of defense. Heaving it up, he swung it at Jonathan, who fell back with an oof.

"Everything okay??" Sherwin heard Jon's mother asking from the hallway. She peeked her head around the corner, saw them clutching pillows, and laughed. "Okay, okay, you guys have fun. I'll be in my room." As soon as she left, Jonathan counter attacked, wrestling Sherwin to the ground.

"Hah," he said triumphantly, their faces an inch apart. Sherwin almost thought about kissing him, but he felt Jon's hair brush against his nose.

"Ah..choo!" he sneezed, making his friend gasp.

"That was the cutest sneeze I've ever heardddd!" Jonathan gushed, rolling off of him and clutching his chest. "Aghhh, my heart! I can't take it!"

Sherwin's eyes met with his blue ones. I freaking love this boy, he said to himself with a smile.


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