How you meet

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Sinbad:(You are Sinbad childhood friend so I am going to write based on your childhood)

You are in Parthevia empire the worst empire ever! Being the emotionless girl you are you walked around thinking about your childhood friend; Sinbad.You guys have been together since you guys were baby. Badr and Esra; Sinbad's father and mother knew your parents. But since war started, each day you become more and more emotionless. Sinbad; your childhood friend tried to cheer you up but you are still being the emotionless person you are. Everyone in your village dislike both of your family, you always end up harming others when they talk bad about your family. Soon the soldiers came to took Sinbad father away, Badr taught all of you a very important lesson that's when you vow to protect Sinbad and his mother, both your parent were dead and Esra was kind enough to take care of you, soon when you guys become older she got ill and was unable to move around like she use to. Both you and Sinbad work hard for her medicine that's when you guys met Yunan and told the both of you about the dungeon .After Sinbad captured the dungeon when he return his mother's life is going to end soon, after hearing his mother last word he vow to protect you; his only childhood friend, that's how you guys went on an adventure and met many other people!

ja'far:(You are Vittel's little sister, Ja'far is older than you one year)

"Vittel nii-san..."you called out to your brother Vittel as he turn to you humming."(Y/N)!How come you are so quiet?"Vittel ask his little sister with concerned."No reasons..."She mummbles. Then (Y/N) became very quiet even after she met Ja'far, and thats how the continue with Sinbad and Ja'far.

Aladdin:(You are Yunan adopted sister)

As soon Yunan allows you to go on an adventure you rush out and met someone who is also a Magi; Aladdin. You guys have been on an adventure together along with Morgiana and Alibaba.Due to your cheerful personality Sinbad had allow you in his empire thinking you are different from your brother; Yunan. You have earn alot of people's trust with your personality, although you are cheerful on the ouside but in the inside you are very lonely...

Kouen:(all three of the prince story is that you are Sinbad's sister)

You are serious unlike your brother, Ja'far and the others still don't believe how the reverse personality sibling is brother and sister.One day you and your brother are being send to the Kou empire for princess Kougyoku's birthday. Soon the princesses(You are not included) became best friend with you. Seeing how his sister manage to become friends with the enermy princess, Kouen soon take intrest in you and get along supprisingly well with you.


You have been sent to the Kou empire since you are very young, before knowing you are Sinbad's sister. Your childhood friend Koumei have been very friendly to you instead of others, after learning you are the enermy king's sister, he have been very upset. Since no one had made him smile like you did, soon you return back to Sindra yet all the others still accept you instead of Sinbad. Which making Koumei very happy.


During the period of war, you had been sent to the Kou empire for service, you and Kouha had been best friends since very young. Suddenly King Sinbad from Sindra came to claimthat you are his sister.The news were shocking and Kouha attack Sinbad saying he is lying. But Kouen said it was true, the news broke Kouha's heart as his only friend is now leaving him, yet Kouen said you get to come back to Kou empire if you want. Kouha was very happy and told you to visit him soon.

Hakuryuu:(You are Morgiana twin)

Unlike your twin, you are cheerful. That's why Morgiana vow to protect you, until you met someone you like and that person is Hakuryuu. You knew he like your twin instead of you but you kept that fake yet cheerful smile of yours. Your heart felt so pain when he blush around your twin sister, but you wanted your sister to have happiness instead of you, so you quietly watch them from afar, heart feeling pain instead...


Judar is your friend, wonder how you friend him? Here's the story: you were hit by your violence father, after mother dies he kept hitting you. Everyone looks at you with pity and suddenly Judar came out of nowhere seeing you with bruises covering you from head to toe. You guys your time together, he decided to protect you from your abusive yet violence father, after that you guys became friends.


You stare at the wandering Magi and help him. After that you guys became great friend only after he learn your dark past.

A/N:I am so sorry about Judar and Yunan's short story i will make it longer the next scenario!Forgive me!

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