Your Opinion about him...

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One night, the girls decided to have a girls's night/talk you were being dragged into the night to protect them. Suddenly the girls ask about who you like and your thoughts about him, you were so shock that you answered while staring at them...


Sinbad is kind yet flirtatious!Many girls fall for him, although he tried to flirt with you but as his childhood friend, you manage to ignore his flirt. Ja'far often relies on you since you are much more mature than Sinbad and you can control him.
(Gyoukou is no longer jealous since she love someone else!)


Ja'far is protective of you as you are his close friend sister, he is kind and patient but when it comes to Sinbad he were ritually having nightmare every time he snaps...but he is still kind and passion, he won't be angry at you that why you like him. After you met him you smile almost like everyday!


Yunan knew you had feelings for that little Magi; Aladdin.He said that it is bad for you to like him, Aladdin was cheerful,playful,kind and lively!He always manage to make you smile! He was the one who clear your loneliness and stay with you when you needed Yunan.


He might be serious but he truly cares for his family, you admire how he always manage to keep a serious front but is always soft in the inside. You are the only one who have seen the soft side of him despite being scolded by him almost everyday but you guys still get along well!


He might be lazy and all but once he heard his childhood friend name he will immediately jump with joy and drag you around the whole castle. You love to relax with Koumei!It is always the best! Koumei tried to talk to your brother but of course he failed but he hates how Sinbad always flirt around while you always stay around him to punish him. Koumei hated how you are always around Sinbad although it can't be helped! Even Ja'far end up being closest to you (2nd is Koumei)!


You never seen the bad side of him before except for one time which was the time he hit JunJun,JinJin and ReiRei,you are so shock that you felt so wrong, when Kouha sees you he stops and tried to explain to you. You are somehow the only one who seem to know Kouha well. He made you smile a thousand times or more, he is playful around you, he is also soft around you which made you special.


After knowing Alibaba is confessed to Morgiana; your twin. He immediately turn depressed, you are around him trying to comfort him , he slowly open up to you and fell in love with you. He is kind and he have many other traits too!


(0//_//0) ---> Was your current expression, Judar might be mean but he cares for you.(Judar:"Too Short!" Mikuna:"Sorry!")


He is prince charming!(Reference!:Assassination Classroom!)He is definitely from a fairy tale! You and Sinbad is best friends thanks to Yunan(Mikuna:"He regrets it already!")!

A/N: I might not be able to update 'Impossible Love' due to lack of ideas!Sorry!

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