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  i found it fascinating how easy it was to get famous on youtube when you put 'ghost' and 'gone wrong' in your title, but i mean, who's not gonna be intrigued when they see that? it got me thinking, so i set out on a little, so called, social experiment you could say?
  i've always wanted to be an entertainer in some way, especially in the Vine days, you know, when it was still good. i just never had the guts to go out there, but since then i've grown quite a lot, i have great friends who support me and give me confidence. that's why i forced them to collab with me on my new youtube channel!! the idea of it was in fact ghost hunting and exploring places that are probably most definitely off limits to the public (getting arrested=more views) it's a win win situation!
i decide to get the show on the rode and call up my friends; Tree, isabel, haylie, nikki, maria, bree, emilia, and kassandra. most of the time, half of them don't even come to our weekly meet-ups at goodwill, but i obviously invite them anyways. to my surprise they all reluctantly agree and we set up a date. i'm guessing when you throw in some danger and fucking-with-the-devil mood it makes it impossible to resist an opportunity like this.
i begin my research on where we ought to go and find an abandoned town about an hour away. according to reddit, the town is as big as Baker City, OR, which is just enough to thrive a community of 10,000. anyways, the town we're looking at had been completely shut down and evacuated in the 90s due to all of its pipeline simultaneously combusting for no reason. The town was called Hentye and featured a large water park that took up most of the town, many houses, too many churches, bowling ally, prolly a taco bell, and an ancient library. when i came across this i was ecstatic but then googled it and found nothing. there were no articles or any sign of the town even existing. so i checked reddit once more and the post and it's creator seemed legit. me and the group decided to say fuck it and drive the next day to at least see if it was there and hopefully explore its treasures that have been hidden from the public for so many years.

hope you guys like it so far it's my first time

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