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  all of my emotions run through my mind, "i know him" nikki looks at me with a confused face, "dafuq" "i mean i don't know him but it's sounds so familiar, i swear we've crossed paths" i say. sheer sounds of laughter from the group pierce through the dark silence. we begin to walk towards them, emilia turns around, "there you guys are! where have you been? have you met rick yet?!" the mans features come into view. "hey there little one" he says with a wave. i glance at at the group, feeling a bit awkward and put on the spot. i say hi and step back slowly, still unsure where i knew this man from. "continue" tree says, i assume rick was telling a story of some sort, i listen intently anyways. rick begins, "right, as i was saying, y'all were looking for the town of hentye correct ?" we all nod. "well before i help you on your journey, i want y'all to know that you're making a big mistake." isabel gives him a puzzled look, "what do you mean? it's just an old town." rick scoffs and shakes his head, "that's where yer wrong little ones, the town was a wicked place, full of terrible people with terrible secrets hidden behind stain glass windows and perfectly mowed lawns. where the most beautiful families were grown, and eventually dissolved." "well how does that make it so physically terrible?" haylie said. rick was about to say something but was cut off by loud rumbling thunder from above. "oh shit" we all muttered. rick began to put on his raincoat and grabbed his pack "you all need to leave now . and never return. before you regret it." we watch as he jogs away into the darkness. "he's right guys, we need to go before we get stuck in the rain" maria suggested. one by one we pile into the minivan and pull away, punching in addresses to the nearest hotel we can crash at. no one utters a word the whole ride, can't blame them.

tell me things you liked so i can incorporate it more to upcoming chapters!!!

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