trash can

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"wassup fuckers"
Haylie says. everyone was sitting around the diluted fire trying to make it glow once more. everyone. everyone was there (except for bree of course :/) , they all seemed, okay, as if we hadn't just gotten chased by the cops, witnessed a potential murder, or were chilling out in a fucking abandoned water park. i didn't bring up the weird sounds we heard, or the reason to why we let a boy from our class stick with us, i was exhausted. and before i knew it, my eyes grew heavy and my head rested on somebody's backpack. i fell asleep to the faint whispers of story telling and bad puns.

6am, the sun was barely visible over the thicc trees from either direction, my eyeballs burned and my back ached. coming to my senses, i noticed i was the only one awake, kinda. i'm sure most of them were fake sleeping so they wouldn't have to fake the awkwardness of being the first one up, it happens. i wasted no time gathering my bag and stepping over the limp bodies. i had no reason to stay there, so i didn't. i wanted to go beyond the gates and explore the basis of the town, maybe snoop through some houses, meet a starving dog, i dunno. but i just couldn't, for one i'd prolly get fucking merked by a homeless man wielding an ash tray, or somehow end up lost and have my friends leave without me. so i didn't. instead, i retraced my steps, all the way back to the teacups, and the shops, and the large pool, and the fence, and the dense forest, and eventually our car. i wasn't sure how long we were planning on staying in this hell hole, but i knew my edgy friends wouldn't want to leave a day in unless someone died



i picked up my speed and began mom walking to the strip mall. my sneakers hitting the cracked cement like bones being crushed.
cautiously, i peaked my head inside the room where bree had last been seen. the table that once was covering the small passage way leading to the unknown was across the room now, smashed to bits, in its place was a rock solid trash can, presumably taken feet away from the food court. i rushed over and began trying to push over or roll it aside. i hadn't eaten in 24 hours, my body was weak.
"wtf u doin"
coles voice startled me.
"wtf it look like i'm doin"
i start to push much harder now, filling with rage, only to notice the trash can was caught up on a bolt in the floor. i brushed the bolt aside and the can came tumbling down.
he said.
my adrenaline was pulsing too hard to be embarrassed. i turned to my right and begin pulling on the small doors hinges, which didn't take long due to the rotting wood and rusting metal, they fell to the floor. my hands gripped around the one piece of material that was blocking the one thing i never thought i wanted to see.

slowly moving

the last hinge hit the ground, it's sound emitted through the small room like a nuke hitting new york.

the board fell.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 15, 2017 ⏰

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