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Celestia's POV

When we got back to town, surprisingly, Lukas wasn't angry. He was actually excited that I got to meet new people. We all decided that we should go eat all together. Including, Yuki, Zane, and Lillian. They kinda hesitated to let Yuki come, but we let her. Plus, more people moved into town. We decided to just eat at home and cook something. Aaron was the one to cook because none of us can cook for sh**. We had many choices to eat. Crawfish pasta, shrimp pasta, green bean bundles, and cake for dessert.

When I was helping Aaron cook at one point, he said, "You know, I deserve a good gift after this."

"Like what?" I asked.

"Maybe a little somethin'-somethin', if you know what I mean," he said with a smirk in his face. 

It took me a minute to realize what he meant. Once I got it, I blushed so much. "Oh no. Not tonight cowboy!" I said hitting him upside the head.

He playfully pouted and I laughed. We got back to the food and later on when it was done started eating with everyone.

Not much happened, just conversation. After everyone left, Yuki went to go flirt with the new guy in town and I grabbed my gun and a bag with rope. It was about midnight so it was kind of easy to stay hidden. It was a couple that moved in. We decided to go for two people to make the town scared.

Once we saw Yuki leave the bar with the guy, Zane went in and started flirting with the girl. I waited about 10-15 minutes before Zane walked out. I started to follow them and once we got far away from the crowd and I got close to them, I made my move. I hit Zane, but not too hard. He acted like it though and fell like I knocked him out. The girl was about to scream but my hand over her mouth and dragged her into the woods.

About 10 minutes later, she bit my hand and I hissed. She tried to escape, but I was able to grab her. I grabbed the rope out of my bag and tied her wrist behind her.

"You f***ing b****! Let me go right now!" She yelled.

She started struggling. I then grabbed my gun and put it to her head. "If you don't stop, I'm gonna do this the hard way and we don't want that do we?"

She stopped struggling and relaxed in surrender. I smirked and put the gun up. I got up and made her get up. I held on to her arm the rest of the way. We finally got to the killing grounds with Zane and Yuki already there. The guy, well looks like he wouldn't shut up. He was lying face down, and it looked like he wasn't breathing. I could faintly hear his heartbeat. That means he's alive but not for long. The girl started crying, knowing that he wasn't going to live.

"So this is what will happen?" She mumbled.

I didn't answer and tied her to a tree close by. As soon as I got done, I heard the guys heartbeat get louder. "Sh**. A! U! Get ready to pounce!"

At first they looked confused then the guy moved. I threw them the rope and Yuki caught it. The guy jumped up, ready for fight. Then I sensed something from him. He was a sorcerer. So was the girl. I quickly knew what to do. I used a small bit of my magic to cancel their magic. It wouldn't reverse anything, just make their magic stop working for an hour, which is how much time we need. The girl tried to break loose then realized that her powers were gone.

"Matt! My powers are gone!" The girl yelled.

"What!? What do you mean gone!?" Matt shouted.

I then loaded my gun with certain bullets to kill sorcerers. As I was loading my gun, the guy shot magic at me. Ok, maybe I hadn't cancelled out his magic. As I was knocked backwards, I shot my gun at him, and the next thing I know the world goes black as I hit my head on a tree.

Zane's POV

"Sh**! E!" I yelled. I knew I didn't have time to tend to her. I attacked the guy as Yuki went to Celestia.

"Looks like you're down one team member!" Matt guy shouted while smirking because the bullet missed him.

"Shut up a**hole!" I yelled.

I saw him about to shoot a spell at Yuki, so leaped and moved his arm towards his girlfriend. He shot it and hit hit the ropes that was around his girlfriend. The ropes that were visible broke. My eyes widened then narrowed. I threw punch and knees him in the face when he went down. He fell to his knees and onto his side. I tied his wrist behind him and ankles. I then hog tied him. Celestia woke up and cancelled out Matt's magic. He woke up about a minute late and I set him up on his knees. Celestia hog tied the girl and set her up next to Matt. They were both weak at this point.

"Alright, lets make this one quick," Celestia said.

Yuki handed Celestia a shotgun that came from God knows where.

Celestia's POV

I grabbed the shotgun and cocked it. "Who's up first?" I said.

Both of them had their heads down and I knew who had to go first. The stronger one. I know I cancelled his magic. He must have powers that can resist my magic. I steadily aimed my gun at him and backed up. I shot the gun and the bullet went into his heart. I heard his heartbeat stop. The girl's eyes widened and teared up. She started shaking and her eyes went red. I automatically knew who this was. "Sh**," I said.

"E, what's wrong?" Zane said.

"U, A, go back into town. Now," I said.

"But-" I cute Yuki off

"I said go!" I shouted.

They backed off and started running. I used my magic and messed with her memory. I made her remember Yuki and Zane with masks. Me? Well, I let her memory of me stay the same. It will work once she's knocked out.

"You're so pathetic," the girl said.

"Shut up Eliza," I said.

Eliza is the queen of sorcerers. Matt, AKA Thomas is the king. "I'm the one who killed the king, you better have heir for the throne," I said.

"Just wait until your queen hears this," Elizabeth said.

"I'm not under her rule anymore, I've gone rouge," I said.

I then hit her in the head with the my gun. I whispered in her ear, "Farm." Her eyes closed and I took off.

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