Love at First sight

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Hi guys this is my first book please, don't judge.

Nia's POV
It's 6:30am and I am so not feeling to go to work today, I sighed looking at myself in the mirror while I finished putting my thick curly hair into a neat puff and started to apply my makeup.

"¡Nia apúrate por favor!",my sister Sharon yelled from downstairs.
Today the owners and their son are coming to visit and my manager wants everyone to be extra early at work and look their best.

"Coming!" I yelled back. I looked at myself in the mirror one more time before adding a little more mascara and one more coat of my nude pink lipstick. I was wearing a new pink pants suit, my favourite necklace and white pearl earrings.

The pants suit she wore, ps this is not her.

Satisfied with my appearance I picked up my purse and went downstairs

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Satisfied with my appearance I picked up my purse and went downstairs.

"¡Te ves preciosa chica!",Sharon squealed "Is that your new work suit? It looks amazing on you".

"Gracias chica , I'm trying to look my best the owners are coming to visit today and my boss wants everyone to look perfect"I replied.

"What's with all this noise?" my mom asked coming from the kitchen with a tray of cheese empanadas,my favourite breakfast, and rested it on the dining table.

"Nothing just Nia's looking extremely gorgeous for work today" Sharon said in a sing-song.
"Sí, te ves muy precious mi amor" my mom said hugging me and kissing me on the cheek.

"Gracias mamá y buenos días" I hugged her back.
"The most important women in my life are looking so beautiful today" my dad said while he came and hugged all of us.

I love my family, we live in a cute two story house in New Hampshire.

My mom is a, kind ,pretty, curvy Mexican lady with dark,long wavy hair, light caramel coloured skin and hazel eyes.

My dad is a kind hearted, handsome African American man with light brown eyes and thick ,dark, curly hair.

They both are executive chefs and own two successful restaurants in New Hampshire and New York.

My older sister Sharon, like my mother she has dark wavy hair, hazel eyes and is very curvy with light caramel coloured skin.She is 26 and owns a hair salon in New York.

And there's me I'm 23 years old.I have milk chocolate skin,light brown eyes and thick curly hair like my dad. I just started working as an accountant in a multi million dollar business.

"You don't look so bad yourself dad"my sister and I said in unison and we giggled.

"Mhmm those empanadas smell great" dad said while we all took our seats at the table to have breakfast.
We said grace and began to eat.

"Honey why do you look so dolled up today? You're usually apathetic to go to work",dad said while helping mom clear the table after we finished eating.

"The owners are coming today and my manager wants every one to look their best and I'm kinda excited.". They hadn't visit in a long while and when they do visit the cafeteria gives out free donuts. My mouth began to water thinking about the donuts.

"Oh okay" dad said and went in the kitchen to help mom with the dishes. "Ready to go?"my sister asked while putting on her stilettos. Sometimes I wonder how she walks in those because I definitely can't.

"Yes" I replied. She usually drops me to work because I don't have a car and I refuse to let any of them buy me one because I'm saving to get myself one on my own.
We bid our parents farewell and left for the car.

"Are you going to visit your salon today?" I asked her while she drove me to work.
"Hmm yeah, I'm going to check to see how everythings going, since the construction of my new salon started I didn't have time to visit in a while."
"Hmm okay",I said when my phone began to ring it was my bestfriend Leah and I smiled. "Hellooo",I answered.

"Bestiee! Where are you girl, I'm
getting bored waiting for you hurry up please I miss you already",she whined.

"I'm almost there",I chuckled. She can be a big baby at times but I love her we've been best friends for 9 years and I can count on her for anything.
"Theodore keeps trying to ask me out and I told him a million times to leave me alone but he won't listen." she complained.

We've known Theodore for four years,he is an accountant like the two of us and he's been in love with Leah since then and she still wouldn't give him the time of day. According to her he's to clingy and nerdy but he's kind, funny and like, a brother to me.

"Just one date" I heard him pleading in the background,poor guy.
"I'm here"I said to her as my sister pulled up to the entrance of the company I kissed her on the cheek and bid her farewell and she drove off.

As I stepped foot through the familiar double doors."There you are!"she ran to me and gave me a big hug squeezing me like her life depended on it. Theodore walked towards us and gave me a quick hug and smiled at me.

"You both look amazing" I said looking at the two of them smiling.

Leah looked gorgeous,her bright blue eyes looked strikingly beautiful and her wavy strawberry blonde hair was loose and cascaded perfectly around her face down to her slim waist. She wore a white knee length ,halter neck dress that hugged her curves perfectly and matched with her white pumps and gold chain Louise gm purse.

Theodore's curly copper brown hair dangled adorably in front of his grey eyes. He was wearing a slick black suit with a white shirt and grey tie that complemented his eyes and his grey polo Ralph Lauren glasses.

"You too girl!" she beamed.
" Mr. Suruj has been barking at people the entire morning for not being 'dressed properly"she said frowning while making the quotation marks with her hands.

"Yeah he sent eight people home a few minutes ago to go and change " Theodore chipped in.

"You three get to the auditorium now the owners will arrive in a few minutes!"Mr. Suruj yelled from across the room startling us. We all hurried to the auditorium, Theodore and Leah were both faster than me so I was behind them trying to catch up.

Suddenly I knocked in to someone I fell on top of him and knocked off his glasses when I looked up at the person, I was dripping in embarrasment because it was no other than the owners' son Logan Vanderbilt.

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