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Nia's POV

That was the sound of my alarm clock going off.
Gosh why won't it stop!Yup that's me yelling to myself hoping that my alarm would stop so I could go back to sleep.
It's Saturday jeez why did I put an alarm on today again.... Oh wait! My stupid boss wants us to come to work today for a stupid meeting at friken 7 o'clock in the morning.
I was supposed to sleep in until 10 today but now my nappy time is ruined.
I groaned inwardly and got off my bed to get ready.
In 25 minutes I'm ready and out the door.

"Hi!" Leah shouted running towards me and then hugging me as I entered the building.
"Hey" I said struggling to get out of her bone crushing hug.
"Aren't you excited for the party?!"she said in a sing-song.
I blushed, actually it was the reason I got ready so quickly to go to work to get this stupid meeting over with.
"Oohhh, someone's excited" Leah sang in a high pitched voice.
"I kinda-"before I could even finish Mr. Suruj called for everyone to get to the board room.
Leah and I both rolled our eyes.
The rest of the workers groaned and some sighed while we all made our way into the board room.
"This is going to be so boring!"Leah whisper shouted while we all sat around the table.
"Oh yes it is"I mumbled and Mr. Suruj began to speak.

2 hours later
"That was so boring", Leah groaned when we were leaving the board room.
"I know right I nearly fell asleep about 5 times!" Theodore chipped in.
"I can speak for everyone when I say that was highly exhausting." I said rubbing my eyes.
"I think I'm going to take a long nap,so I can conserve my energy for the party!"Leah said clapping her hands like a little kid who's about to get candy.
"Yeah....... I'm kinda excited to see Logan tonight."I said sheepishly.
"Kinda?" Leah and Theodore said giving me that why are you lying look.
"Fine.....I'm really excited." I said rolling my eyes.
"Ok missy..... I gotta go get some zzs, this party is going to be awesome!"Leah said in a sing-song.
"Yeah me too, bye Nia."Theodore and Leah waved at me and they left leaving me standing at the entrance of the building.
I take a cab home.

"Hi momma" I greeted my mom and kissed her on the cheek when I walked through the door and into the kitchen.

"Hola princessa.¿Cómo fue la reunión? She asked me. (How was the meeting)

"It was so boring mom!" I whined.

She chuckled and kissed my forehead.
"¿Quieres que te haga quesadillas?" Mom asked smiling.

"Sí,por favor!"I replied happily my spirits immediately raise because she is going to make her amazing quesadillas.

"¿Puedes ayudarme,por favor?"(Can you help me please?)

"Sure!" I chipped in happily and we began to make the quesadillas.

An he hour later the house smelled of mouth watering quesadillas.

"¡Gracias, Mamá!"I said stuffing my mouth with quesadillas while my mom and I eat at the table.

"De nada,mi amor" my mom smiles sweetly at me.

35 minutes later I'm done with 6 quesadillas and after helping mom tidy up. I'm off to my room.

I flop on my my bed after taking a shower and drift off into a peaceful sleep.

5 hours later
"Wake up Nia" someone says shaking me.
"No leave me alone"I grumble and slap away their hand.
"Nia wake up Joseph Morgan is here!"
Leah squealed.
"Wait, what!" I raised up quickly, blinking my eyes.
"Ha ha ha! You should of seen your face! Priceless! Leah guffawed holding her stomach.
"Ha ha ha very funny."I said narrowing my eyes at her.
"When did you get here?" I asked when she finally stopped laughing.
"A few minutes ago"she replied wiping away her tears of laughter.
"What time is it? I asked getting of my bed and heading to the bathroom to take a bath.
"Quarter past 5!"she yelled from my room.
I took my shower slowly,smiling and thinking about tonight.
In 10 minutes I'm out the bathroom in my shorts and a bra while drying my hair.

"I can't wait to see how we look in our dresses!"Leah beamed at me.

"You didn't try yours on?" I asked surprised, normally she always try on her dresses before she buys them.

"Yeah I kinda felt bad, you couldn't come shopping with me and I love dressing up with you,so I just chose the dress I liked and I waited to put it on with you since you're putting on yours for the first time as well."She smiled at me.

"Aww, you waited for me!"I said and hugged her tightly.

"It isn't fun trying dresses on without you, with you it feels special."she says
and gave one of her dazzling smiles.

"I love you, you know that."

"What's not to love," she says flipping her hair.

I chuckled.
"You're so full of yourself."

She chuckles and then her phone began to ring.

"Hi Syriah, happy birthday!" She beamed.

"Uhm okay .......... It's fine, hope she gets well." Leah said frowning and hung up the phone.

"What's wrong? I asked her concerned etched on my face.

"The party's cancelled." She replys sadly. "Syriah's mom got into an accident and was rushed to the hospital."

"Oh my God! Is she alright?!" I asked her.

"I don't know" she says sadly shaking her head.

I walked over to her and hugged her I knew how close she and Syriah's mom were, since she and her mom didn't get along and her dad was never home. She's always at Syriah's or my house.

"She's going to be fine, do you want me to make you some hot cocoa?"

She nods. "Let's go to the kitchen and get you some and we'll watch your favourite movies."

I seat her on the coach and set off to make her cocoa when someone rings the doorbell.

I tie my hair in a bun and open the door. My jaw drops open when I see who's at the door.

Logan Vanderbilt.


Thanks for reading I hope you enjoyed it if you read this far.
Good night everyone!🤗😚😚


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