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I just love this song so......😋

After Logan left last night I couldn't stop thinking about the kiss.
I couldn't focus on any movies Leah watched afterwards.
She left later on and I went to bed.

Next day

Nia's POV

I sighed looking in the mirror ,while putting on my make up for work then doing my hair.

I had breakfast with my family and my sister dropped me at work.

"Hi best friend!" Leah squealed hugging me.

"Hey" I said.

"What's wrong?"," Are you okay?" She asked looking at me worried.

"I'm fine. I saw Logan yesterday."
I said smiling.

"Omg, really... where?!" She beamed.

"I was at my favourite cafe and he happened to be there checking it out for the first time." I said shrugging.

"So what did you guys do?" She asked shaking my arm while we head to the elevator.

"He bought like a ton of pastries so he asked me to stay and have some with him in the outside diner at the cafe" I said thinking about how beautiful both him and the outside looked.

"Oooh what did you talk about?" She asked intrigued as we entered the elevator and it started moving.

"Just about everything and about the future. He actually wants to start a computer company of his own he even starting designing some of his own. It sounds really cool." I beamed.

"Hmmmm cool so when are you meeting  him again?"

"We finally exchanged numbers yesterday."

"Oh really did you text or call him yet?" She asked as we stepped out of the elevator and headed to the office block.

"Amm no I waited for him to text me last night but he didn't I guess he's probably busy." I say shrugging.

"So why didn't you text him?" She asked stressing on the 'you' part.

"I don't know ....I I was nervous  what if he didn't reply or something I'd be crushed." I just didn't want to get my hopes up.

What if he was just being friendly when he asked me to join him. He probably has a girlfriend already.

"Oh hush you were just being a chicken. Oh my just take a risk if he doesn't reply then too bad at least you tried you don't have to wait for men to make the first move women can do it too." She said encouragingly but I wasn't moved, maybe I was just to shy.

Logan was my first crush in a really long time. I'm not accustomed with this 'love' thing so it was really difficult to not be nervous about anything  that concerns him.

Leah just didn't get she basically runs through one relationship after another but no me on the other hand.

"Okay, maybe I'll try, see you later love you" I  said to her while we both went our separate ways into our offices.

"Love you too" she says and sends me an air kiss.

After 3 hours of work to lunch time

We ordered lunch and went at sit at our usual table and had lunch.

Ding! Logan texted 'Hi'.

"Leah, Logan texted" I  beamed shaking her.

Billionaire's Cliché Love (Interracial Romance) * On Hold*Where stories live. Discover now