The one

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Logan's POV
I was on my way from the bathroom hurrying after my parents while they were entering the auditorium.

When someone knocked into me, my glasses were knocked out and I tripped on my feet bringing the person down with me. I fell on my back onto the floor and the person collapsed on top of me.

A few moments trying to catch our breaths, our breathing slowed. When we both looked up and I was met by two strikingly beautiful brown eyes. Her face was breathtakingly georgeous, she had beautiful plump pink lips, thick curly hair and soft caramel coloured skin. Our faces were inches apart and I couldn't stop staring at her, her cheeks turned a little pink at my semi intense stare she cast her eyes down in embarrassment as she fumbled to get off me.

When I got off the floor she picked up my glasses and handed it to me still not looking me in the face. I frowned at that, she must have seen my frown and thought I was upset because her eyes were now filled with panic and fear.

"I am sorry sir, I didn't mean to..... I wasn't looking where I...I was going, I am so sorry" she stuttered panic lased in her sweet voice.

"It's okay" I assured her. "I was in a hurry so it's not your fault" I said shyly.

She looked up at me and smiled lightly while she played with her fingers.

I looked up at her staring at her shyly while she stared back blushing slightly. I don't know how long we were staring at each other when my father's voice startled us.

"Logan, why are you taking so long hurry up and get in here"he said beckoning me inside the auditorium.

"I should probably go in to" she muttered while going inside, I nodded dumbfounded blinking a few times and followed behind her and went to sit in front with my parents while she went and sat a few rows behind me with the other employees.

"Where have you been ?" my mother whispered to me as I took a sit next to her.

"I was in the bathroom" I whispered, staring ahead pretending to listen to Dad's speech.

I heard a giggle and turned around and my eyes immediately found hers, she blushed looking down trying to hide her slightly pink cheeks. I smiled to myself and turned around.

During my mom and dad's speeches about modernizing the company while everyone listened intently, I couldn't stop thinking about her. Her eyes. Her lips. Her hair. Her smile. Her blush. Her sweet voice.

When it was lunch time the convention was paused and everyone left to purchase or eat their lunch in the cafeteria/dining lounge.

I was having lunch with my parents in the dining lounge when I saw her walking toward the canteen to get food with a man and a woman whom I'm assuming are her friends.

She looked georgeous in her suit, I just stared at how perfect she was. The way her sweet carefree laugh would fill the room, the way her dimples showed when she smiled and greeted everyone and they way she blushed was absolutely adorable.

I don't know why but everything about her makes me feel happy and warm on the inside. I'd only met her a few hours ago and she never left my mind once.

I was already smitten by her and I didn't even know her name yet.

I wish I had the courage to walk up to her and talk to her but I was too shy.

I hoped you all liked Logan's POV.
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