Chapter 16

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School today.

I get up and get ready. I go downstairs and eat breakfast with Mrs. Grier watching me, making sure I'm eating.

"So, I heard you got asked out by that Dallas jerk." Hayes glares at me. What's his problem?

"Yeah." I try to avoid conflict.

"You know he'll break your heart, right?"

"Why do you care?"

"I don't, just pointing that out there." He shrugs. "Are you done?"

"Excuse me?"

"You heard me, are you done? We're gonna be late to the bus." He says and I sigh, getting up and putting my plate in the sink. I say bye to Mrs. Grier and follow Hayes to the bus. Let the torture begin.

"Hey, slut! How was that sex in the alley?" Someone shouts.

"Yeah! That was quit a show if you ask me! Jordan got some pretty good shots of the whole thing!" Everyone starts laughing. I look at Hayes and he's pissed. Probably cause they brought Jordan into this.

"And all of those bruises and scars! Made the whole thing 10 times better!" Some guy high fives his friends. I sit down after a while and we get to school. As I'm leaving someone pushes me out. I look behind me and see Eva and Jordan laughing at me.

"Jordan, Eva, stop. It's getting old." I see Hayes come out and tell them. I get up.

"Are you okay?" Hayes asks me.

"Yes? Why do you care?"

"I said I don't care."

"Then stop acting like it." I tell him and run off to first period.

The first 3 periods go by fast and it's time for lunch. I spot Dallas and we make eye contact. He runs over to me.

"Hey! Have you made up your mind yet?" He asks me. I look around and see Hayes staring at us. Giving me a death glare in the process of our eye contact.

"Well?" Dallas interrupts my thoughts.

"Oh, sorry, um.." I look over at Hayes and give him a look.

"Yes, I will." I smile and he hugs me. I look back at Hayes again and he looks away.

Payback is such a bitch.


I walk in and Hayes is sitting on the couch with Jordan. Good thing I'm with Dallas.

"Oh, hey Hayes." I say, "I'm just gonna go up to my room with Dallas."

"Well, good for you." He says and Dallas and I head up to my room/Nash's old room. He sits on the bed.

"So, how has my little VannahBug been?" He smiles and puts me on his lap.

"Good, I guess." I lie. I'm never telling him about everything.

"Oh, come on, tell me, you know you can trust me.." He trails and kisses my cheek softly.

"Okay well.." I start to tell him. Leaving out my secret crush on Hayes and my cutting and anorexia.

"Wow, babe I'm so sorry." He tells me.

"Dinners ready," Hayes comes in and tells us. We get up and go downstairs, sitting down.

"Oh, I just remembered. I have to go. Bye babe, I love you." He puts his phone back in his pocket and hugs me, leaving.

"That was rude." Chad shakes his head.

"I told you he was an asshole." Hayes tells me and Skylynn gasps.

"Hayes, language!" Mrs. Grier glares at him.

"Sorry." He mumbles. "I'm done. Too hard to get my dinner down from witnessing that jerk dissing Savannah." Hayes says and gets up.

"Jordan isn't the best either." I tell him and he stops.

"Don't ever talk about Jordan." He tells me and walks upstairs.

"That was weird." I say and I get up. I help Mrs. Grier with the dishes again and go upstairs.

"Savannah, can I talk to you for a minute?" Hayes says to me.

"Um, sure?" I say and he opens the door to his room. He sits on the bed and points to the chair at his desk for me to sit. I sit and he begins speaking.

"Okay listen, Savannah I seriously don't want you dating Dallas."

"I don't care. You don't care about me anyways so don't tell me what I should or shouldn't do." I defend.

"I don't care, I'm just warning you. He's not a good guy and I-"

"No. He is a good guy. I've known him all my life and he would never hurt me."

"Listen to me! He's a player! All he will do is use you. He doesn't like you! He has used so many girls. Even Jordan! Seriously Savannah, he's bad news."

"So what, did you date Jordan for the sake of it? Is it just a pity relationship? I bet you just felt bad! Oh wait, who am I kidding? You're a fucking prick who doesn't even care about anyone but yourself! Your so selfish! You don't even know Dallas! He won't hurt me or use me! He's too nice! I fucking hate you. Asshole." And with that, I walked out without a word said. Dallas won't hurt me. Ever.

Or will he?

(This chapter is way better!💕💙

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