Chapter 2

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Monday, just great. I get up and turn my alarm clock off. I don't eat breakfast and head out the door after getting ready and go to school and go in to meet Mallory only to find her talking to Hayes. Hayes Grier.

My crush.

I wonder what they are talking about.. I hear him laugh and that's enough for me to break down. He probably likes her more than me. He doesn't even know I exist. Mallory has always been loved by everyone. Unlike me, the ugly, geeky, nobody. I don't even get why she chooses to be my friend but I guess it just kind of happened. I was running down the hall crying until I ran into someone. Not just someone, it was the jocks.

The jocks all consisted of Dallas Randall, Steffan King, Elijah Jahnson, and Jake Crandall. Dallas and I used to be best friends until he changed schools to this school. Yes, we went to different schools, but we made it work. We always did. He's always been there for me but ever since this year he's been nothing but a jerk. Steffan is okay he's not as bad but Elijah and Jake are the worst. They bully me everyday. Steffan and Dallas don't though, they just keep quiet. Dallas would never do anything to hurt me. He just ignores me and acts like a jerk.

"Why are you crying, you a baby or something? Did you see your best friend flirting with your crush?" Jake smirked and high fives Elijah. Dallas stands there shocked and Steffan looks at me concerned. I just run. Run until the laughing stopped. I ran outside and cried. When I went back in Hayes and Mallory were both by the door only to see me and my bloodshot puffy eyes.

"Savannah, what happened?" Mallory asks. I just walk away only to be chased by her.

"Tell me what's wrong!" She whisper/yells.

"Why don't you just go talk to Hayes? You'd probably like talking to him more than me." I frown.

"What? What are you talking about? We were talking about the algebra exams today!" She exclaimed.

"Yeah, right. I saw you two laughing together. You were practically acting like a couple." I roll my eyes.

"You know I wouldn't do that to you! I know you like him and I'm not going to hurt you like that! You know that."

"Okay," I state.

"Alright. Is that all that was wrong? He's waiting!" She panics a little as Hayes gets ready to leave.

"Yeah, I'm fine. Go ahead." I fake a smile. She gives me a suspicious look and then walks away with Hayes. After that the school bell rang to go to first period. Here we go.

It was 3rd period and I dreaded it. All of the jocks and populars were in this class. Except Hayes. He was the best part of the whole class. Even though it was only study hall I still hated it. When the tardy bell rang the jocks came in. Late as usual. Jake smirks at me and sits behind me while the rest practically surround me. Steffan to the right seat, Dallas on the left, and Elijah is infront of me. I hate assigned seats.

"Stop kicking my seat." I whisper to Jake. He always freaking does this. All he does is do that stupid ass smirk and keeps kicking my seat.

"Hey, Ms. Baylor! I need to go to the restroom. Can I go?" Jake shouts across the room. How obnoxious.

"Sure." Ms. Baylor says.

Jake gets up and turns around to smirk at me and leaves the class.

Next thing you know the fire alarm goes off.

"This is not a drill! Everyone leave the building immediate!" He hear on the speaker for announcements and everyone rushes outside. When everyone is out, I notice that Hayes wasn't there.. What if...



(I love this chapter for some reason! Hope you guys do to!💕💙😘

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