; 1

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Okay let's just say that, I'm running away from the bulky security guard who's been chasing after me for the past 10 minutes?

I was running away from the security guard with my neon-glow-in the dark penny board. I ran up the descending escalator instead of the ascending one, like a normal person. I'm on the 3rd floor, I ran, sprint rather, away from the guard, my penny board bumped into someone, but I kept on sprinting, I looked back and stopped, no sign of the guard, but a guy with brownish hair and brown eyes looking at me, his face shows that he was pissed off about something, something from the back of my mind just kick me in the head, he's the guy my penny board bumped into, I raise my right hand "SORRY! DIDN'T MEAN TO BUMP INTO YOU!" I shouted towards the pissed off guy. He looks at me and his face was turned from a frown to a smile, he gives me a thumbs up. I shook my head and laugh softly. I walked towards the ascending escalator, catching my breath after all that 'exercise' I did.

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