; 22

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I checked myself in the mirror for the last time and I was happy with my appereance. Tonight's the night, I thought to myself. I just can't believe that Ashton forgot his own freaking anniversary with Margo. If I were Ashton, I wouldn't even dare to forget it. Heck, I couldn't even get her out of my mind, how could I even forget about this date. God dang it, he doesn't even deserve her! I grabbed my phone off my study table and walked out of my room.

I put my black vans and said my goodbye to my family and got into my car. I took in two big deep breaths and let it out slowly. Even though I'm not really going on a date with Margo, but this is the only alone time we got with each other. I started the engine and drove out of my porch. My hands were shaking on the steering wheel. I turned to a corner and drove straight ahead. Margo's house was on the right. I parked my car across Margo's house. I saw a black car parked in front of Margo's house. It's Ashton's. God why does he always come in between my fucking plans with Margo?! Should I go in? I thought to myself. I should. I hesitantly took a step forward.

I was about to knock on the door until the door flung open. It revealed Ashton's angry face and Margo's teary face. I was in state on shock. I didn't know what to do. I looked at Ashton then back at Margo. Ashton pushed me off the steps onto the grass. He was on top of me. I was still in shock when he pushed me, I didn't know what to do. When he collided his fist with my jaw, that's when reality kicked me in the arse.

I used all of my force to push him off me. I punched the side of his eyes. I punched his jaw, multiple times. He pushed me off and punched me straight in the eye. I can hear Margo faintly scraming Ashton to stop hitting me. Then it was black.

++ ++ ++


I heard a knock on the front door. I guessed that was Calum. I straightened my white floral top and put on my chocolate sandals on. I grabbed my phone and some money and shoved it in my pocket. I opened the door to reveal Ashton. He looked like he just got out of bed and came to my house. I rolled my eyes and scoffed. I tried closing the door but he pushed it open again. He shoved me on the wall and kissed my neck. He smelled of alcohol. I pushed him off and looked at him. He gave me a smirk.

"What's wrong baby girl?" he said. His tone low and dark, "You didn't like it?" he took a step forward towards me. I moved to the side. I knew I looked vulnerable.

"What the fuck is wrong with you Ashton?" I asked in calm tone. Though inside of me were going all panic. He took a step forward and smirked at me.

"Hmm... you look sexy in that," he said pointing to my white floral top, "it'll look sexier if they're off." he flicked his gaze to me. Okay now, I'm panicking.

"You're drunk Ashton," I said calmly, "go home."

"Don't tell me what the fuck to do!" he shouted. His loud voice made me flinched. Last thing I knew, he slapped me. I felt burning at the side of my cheek. I fell to the ground with tears streaming down my face. He ran his hands through his brown hair and sighed angrily.

"You're going out with him aren't you?" he asked. His hands still on his head. I looked at him confusedly while wiping my tears with my hand. I thought Ashton was, well, Ashton. But right now, he's not. I don't know, why the fuck he would fucking drink in the night.

"You are going out with him," he said. "I can't believe you're a fucking slut! Cheating on me behind my fucking back!" he shouted. Shout at him Margo!, a small voice in my head said. I got off from the ground and walked towards him. I raised my hand and slapped him on the cheek as hard as I possibly could.

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