; 16

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I went back to the truth or dare session. I sat in between Calum and Michael, Calum gave Ashton a look that I couldn't figure out. "Okay... um, moving on. Michael, truth or dare?" Ashton asked. Michael hesitated to answer Ashton's question, "Um... truth?" Michael said. A smirk grew on Ashton's face, "Have you ever had sex when you're drunk?" Michael took in a sharp breath and nodded. Everybody burst out in laughter. Everyone stopped laughing except me. I was crying laughing, Abeza and Niharika started to laugh when they saw me still laughing. Luke came to me and pat me on the back trying to calm me down. Michael started to blush. "I'm... sorry... Michael..." I said in between laughter. Michael just shook his head and looked down at his lap. Marcus came in the middle of the circle and let its body on the ground and sleep. Niharika took Marcus by the body and dragged it to her leg and smoothed his fur. I waved my hands up and coughed, "I'm sorry, continue with the game." I said. Michael nodded and looked at Luke, "Luke, I dare you to kiss Niharika." he smirked. I looked at Niharika's expression, all colours that existed in her face drained. So is Luke's. I held back a giggle, but failed. Luke stood up and sat beside Niharika, he took Niharika's face and leaned in. I covered my mouth with both of my hands and muffled a gasp. I looked at the other's expression and they seem normal. Am I the only one who hasn't seen a dare kiss before? The kiss lasted for only 5 seconds, it was a long ass dare kiss in my perspective. They pulled apart and immediately blushed. I clapped my hands and cheered for them. Niharika didn't speak the whole game.

** ** **

Eventually, all game has to end. And so it did. Everyone left about fifteen minutes after the game, except for Ashton. I think Ashton likes me, like more than a friend. We sat on the couch, cuddled up watching Adventure Time. Ashton turned off the TV when the best part was coming on, I sat up and clicked my tongue together and glared at Ashton. He looked so nervous. My face softened, I touched his hand, he flinched but stayed. He looked up at me, he took in a deep breath and let it out, slowly. "Hey, you okay? You seem so nervous about something." I asked. He shook his head, "Um.. I've actually been meaning to tell you something." He looked up at me "I-I like you, Margo." he said. I was in total shock. I knew something was going on with him. He stood up and shook his head, "I knew confessing to you is a bad idea, stupid me." he grabbed his keys and walked towards the door. I shook the shock of Ashton confessing to me and ran to him, blocking his way to the door. I closed my eyes and let out a breath that I didn't even know I was keeping in, "Ashton... I-I like you too." I said without thinking what I was going to say. His eyes light up, I smiled at him and hugged him. He spinned me around and kissed me on the cheek, "Oh my God Margo, you really like me?" he asked as he put me down on the ground. I nodded my head, he hugged me again.

What have I done...

** ** **

A month later.

"Margo, come on!" Dad shouted from downstairs. I checked my list again to check if I got all of my things. I nodded my head and dragged my suitcase down the hall. I pushed the handle down and carried it halfway down the stairs until Ashton stopped me, "Here let me help, babe." he said and took my suitcase from my hands. I've been with Ashton for four weeks and it's going great. He's such a great guy, so sweet, caring, goofy and protective at the same time. I guess I'm over Calum. I kissed Dad on the cheek and hugged Adrianna, "Have fun at Vidcon! Say hi to Zoella for me." Adrianna said. I'm going to Vidcon a week early so that I could do a meet up and things like that. I realize that I'm not going to see Adrianna after I get back from Vidcon and she's going back to New York next week. Dad and Adrianna waved goodbye to me as I got into Ashton's car. 

We Never Change by Coldplay was playing faintly from the radio. Ashton was concentrated in driving that he didn't hear his phone ringing. I took Ashton's hands from the steering wheel and pointed to his pocket. He shaped his mouth into an 'o' and lifted his bum up in order for him to reach for his phone. I glanced at the caller ID, Katherine. Who the hell is Katherine? I thought to myself. I stared out the window, blue skies in sight. I got my phone out from my bag with my free hand and texted Abeza with my free hand, 

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