; 14

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My eyes shot opened. I took in a deep-deep breath; I ran my cold hands up and down my face to wake me up. I picked up my charged phone and checked the time, 3:30 a.m. it read. Devils hour, I thought to myself. I sighed and closed my eyes, image of me and Calum kissing flashed in my mind. I opened my eyes again and hit my bed. "It's not real Margo, it was just a stupid dream" I said to myself. I need to keep on reminding myself about Calum. He doesn't like me and so do I. I closed my eyes again and concentrated on my breathing.


I felt my body being shaken; I moaned and push the person off. The person kept on shaking me, I opened my eyes and Dad's blurry figure was in sight, I moaned again and turned my back to Dad. He sighed and picked me up from bed and walked in a bright room. I groaned loudly which caused Dad to chuckle; I felt vibration on his chest when he did that. He set me down on a rough mat, I guess and left. I heard the door closed. I opened my eyes and scanned my surrounding; I was in my very own bathroom, I heard Dad shout, "Margo! Better get ready, I'm leaving in about an hour!" I groaned again and pushed myself from the ground.

After I took my bath, I put on my uniform and brushed my long wavy hair. I tied my hair into a high ponytail, per-usual and tied a white ribbon on top of it. I walked downstairs and kissed Dad and Adrianna on the cheek. They smiled and said their 'Morning'. As I sat down on the stool, Dad cleared his throat, "Margo..." he trailed off "Your friend, Calum got into an accident, he's okay now, but he's under hospitalisation." He said calmly. I looked at him with my mouth hung open, my eyes travelled to Dad's grim expression to Adrianna's sad expression, "Ho-how?" I stuttered. I heard a knock from the door; Dad stood up and walked to the door. I buried my face in my hands and shook my head repeatedly. Adrianna came and wrapped her arms around my body. I heard footsteps coming towards our direction; I looked up and saw two policemen standing beside Dad. I straightened my back and cleared my throat. One of the policemen spoke, "Ms Hugo?" I nodded my head, not wanting to speak, "Have you recently contacted Mr Hood?" I nodded my head again, the policeman's eyebrow shot up, "When?" he got out his little notepad and clicked his pen to write, "Um, it was um... on Saturday." I said, not making eye contact with the policeman. I saw him writing down what I just said, he looked at me again, "And that's it?" he asked. I nodded. They nodded and said their 'Thank You' and left. Dad kissed me on the head and whispered, "He's going to be okay, I'm going to visit him after work, you wanna come?" I just nodded my head.


I walked into the school's gate with the cold autumn air blowing into my face. I saw Abeza and Ashton talking, they were so into their conversation that they don't even know that I was standing beside Ashton. They jumped in surprise when they saw me. I smiled at their expression and went back to my sad face. They realize my change of expression, "Hey, you okay?" Ashton asked as he wrapped his arms around my waist, I shook my head no. He pulled me in for a hug, "What's up?" he asked, his arms still wrapped around my waist. Abeza looked at me with worried eyes, "You guys haven't heard?" I asked, they looked at each other and shook their heads. I sighed, "Um... Calum got into an accident" I sighed again. They shaped their mouth into an 'o' shape. They nodded their head, "Yeah, we heard" Abeza spoke. I nodded my head and lowered my head. Ashton pulled me close to his body. We just stand in silent until the bell rang. Abeza and I walked to the roll call room, we saw Ansel sitting in Ellie's spot. I sat down beside Ansel and Abeza sat next to me. He smiled at me and nodded his head. I smiled back, I mouthed 'where Niharika' to Abeza is and she shrugged in response. Suddenly the door burst opened, Niharika was in sight, heaving and heaving. I looked at Niharika and let out a small laugh, she said sorry to the roll call teacher and sat down beside Abeza.


The day went by rather fast. Dad picked me up from school. He asked Niharika and Alex if they needed a ride home and they said no. I sat in my seat in silent, I realize that today, I was silent the whole day. Dad took my hand in his and squeezed it. I just sighed and stared out the window.

When we got to the hospital, Calum's pale face flashed through my mind. Dad went to the receptionist and asked where Calum's room was, I sat in front of the reception desk in silent. Dad came to me and nods his head to the left signalling us to go. Calum's room was on the 3rd floor and the 12th room. I saw a woman and a girl standing beside Calum's hospital bed. The woman's face was similar to Calum and so did the girl. Dad cleared his throat before going into the room, "Joy" he said and hugged the lady. Dad hugged the girl too. I just stood there not knowing what to do or say, I saw Calum on the bed looking so vulnerable. His swollen lip pouted and his head wrapped in a white bandage. I flicked my eyes to the lady, she was smiling at me. I smiled back and hugged her, "Hi, you must be Calum's Mum" I said as we pull apart. She smiled sadly, "Yes, Yes I am. And you are?" she asked holding my arm, "I'm Calum's friend, Margo" I said, her eyes went wide, she was about to say something but the girl spoke, "You're Margo? As in Margo?" she asked. I nodded my head and looked at her confusedly, "So you're the girl who Calum was murmuring when he got hit" she took in a sharp breath. I was in shocked, Calum was murmuring my name? I looked at her in disbelief. I was about to say something, but I heard a moan and it came from Calum. I looked at him and saw his eyes open. The two brown eyes that I knew were finally opened, I smiled at him and walked to his bed, I hugged him gently, and he smelled of hospital. The kind of smell people wouldn't like. "You smell" I smirked as we pulled apart. He chuckled and breathed in sharp breath, I took a step back. While holding his stomach, he smiled at me. "Hey, but you still love me" he smiled. I made a face that caused everyone to laugh, "No, never did" I said and hugged him again.

We talked about everything from me being a You Tuber to us planning on doing a collab on my channel until the nurse came in and told us to leave and so we did. Dad unlocked the car and I got in. He turned on the engine and drove off. I looked at Dad and smiled, "Thanks Dad," I said "For today." He smiled and pat me on the shoulder, "No problemo, amigo" he said. Turns out, Calum isn't such a bad guy after all.






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-E xx

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