One Shot - Hot Cocoa

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This is to prepare you for the feels that may overtake you would I dive head first into this story once more. Brace yourself for cavity-inducing fluff. WARNING: Tom Hiddleston is not as dopey as he appears. Lol. Enjoy, dears.


Kate's Perspective

"There has to be some here..." I whispered, borderline exasperation in my voice. I shuffled through the small cabinets, slamming them open and closed.

After giving up on the right side of Tom's kitchen, I moved to the cupboard, practically snarling.

Today was the perfect day for cocoa. No work, no gym, no anything. Just me, just Tom, and a very lazy day ahead of us. And I was in the mood for some cocoa... but I could not find it.

"Ugh...." I moaned, pouting. I shoved my hair out of my face, placing my hands on my hips.

Short bread, tea, Captain Crunch, flour, sugar, coffee, potato chips, Cheetos, pancake mix, cookies, peanut butter, popcorn, rice, paper towels...

But no cocoa. Absolutely no cocoa.

"I swear... I swear to Bob I bought some last week!" I exclaimed, startling Tom, who was dozing off.

"Hmm? What happened? You're shouting. What's the matter, love?" He grumbled, his long legs sprawled across the couch, arm covering his face.

I glanced at my sleepy boyfriend before turning back to the cupboard. "It doesn't make any sense, Thomas."

"What doesn't make sense, darling?" He responded, rubbing his eye adorably.

I frowned, getting a chair to further investigate the upper regions of this stupid pantry.

"The darn hot chocolate is missing, honey, and I know I bought a whole dang box of the stuff last week."

"Chocolate?" Tom asked, confused. "Kate, love, are you banging about my kitchen for chocolate?"

His voice implied that this, this process, this method of searching, was unnecessary. I only huffed, ignoring Tom as he got up off the couch, moving towards me.

"It's got to be in here...."  I grumbled, pushing aside a box of popcorn.

"Darling?" Tom said, his voice indicating he was right behind me.

"Hmmm?" I asked, lowering myself. I placed the chair back at the small dinner table before I went to the island, drumming my fingers on its top rhythmically.

Damn cocoa. Where the heck was it??

Tom fidgeted with the hem of his shirt, looking bashful. "This would not be that hot chocolate we had two nights ago... would it?"

I frowned up at him, taking in his tall, well-toned build. His arms were a bit bigger than normal due to Corialanus and his auburn curls were shorter and straightened. But his blue eyes were still bright with a glee that only compared to a small child and right now... well, now they were fearful.

"... Yes... Yeah, it was." I agreed slowly.

He smiled softly, wincing. I raised an eyebrow.

"Thomas." I growled, crossing my arms. "Did you drink all my hot chocolate?"

He gave a short laugh and backed away from me a little, his hands up. "If I say yes, will you be cross with me?"

"Very, very cross." I mimicked in his native accent.

"Then, no. I didn't do it."

"Thomas William!!" I reached to hit him but he grabbed my wrists, placing my hands on his chest. I knew better than to struggle.

That had only ever led to disaster in the form of an incessant tickling match.

Tom chuckled. "Alright, alright, little one. At least give me the chance to apologize!"

I pouted again and Tom kissed my cheek. "I don't want a kiss."

"Nonsense." He assured me, leaning in to kiss me again. I turned my head away from his stubble-covered jaw and frowned.

"Katie." Tom rebuked.

"Nope. Sorry. You drank my favourite hot beverage. You will now be shunned."

Tom smiled widely. "Aw, love. Katie, dear, don't be that way."

I complied after a few moments, letting Tom give me a quick peck on the lips before I moved out of his arms.

"Fine. You can kiss me, you thieving giant. But I want another box of Swiss Miss by tonight!"

He threw his head back in laughter, but when I glared at him, he sobered and saluted.

"Yes, ma'am."


Lol... Tom

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