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(Date posted: 170915)

Today is a special day to me, so here's a special update as well!

I did one for ILYSB during Love Whisper release and I know 11:11 deserves one, too! 😁✌


"You're getting married!" Jimin chimed, teasing Jungkook who had a pout on his face and was staring into space.

"Shut up, Jimin," Yoongi said. He knew how things went between Eunbi and Jungkook and Yoongi felt bad.

"Come on, Jungkook-ah. Cheer up. You'll be meeting her today, at least pretend that you're excited," Hoseok said and Jungkook just absentmindedly nodded.

"She hasn't called me since then," Jungkook muttered and his hyungs looked at each other with sad eyes.

It had been five days after the incident and Eunbi was not even talking to him either at university. Of course, he still spent some time with the rest, but Eunbi was back to giving him the cold shoulder and Jungkook was convinced that maybe this was even worse than the previous one.

Hansol and Jungkook had a talk, and Hansol understood him, but was still mad at the fact that he didn't tell Eunbi right away. They were okay now, and Yewon and Seungkwan treated him as if nothing happened, which he was extremely thankful for.

"Come on, Jungkook-ah. We have to go to the venue," Manager Sejin said and Jungkook unwillingly stood up with a sad sigh. He unenthusiastically bid goodbye to the rest of the members before disappearing with their manager.

"I feel bad for them," Taehyung said with a sigh.

"Me, too," Namjoon said.

"Eunbi wanted him to stop keeping her from the people," Yoongi said with a shrug and the members snapped their heads towards his direction.

"Hyung, you know what happened?!" Jimin asked. He had been asking the maknae about it because he badly wanted to help, but Jungkook kept on shaking him off, saying that he was fine and that it was just nonsense.

"Well," Yoongi said and cleared his throat before telling them what happened.


"He's meeting her today, right?" Seungkwan asked as the four of them— Seungkwan, Hansol, Yewon and Eunbi—ate at the university cafeteria. Eunbi internally rolled her eyes. The three kept on talking about Jungkook whenever she was around and she found it kind of annoying. Couldn't they see that she was trying to move on again? Well, she wasn't really sure if they had broken up because neither of them said anything about it that afternoon, but still!

"I feel bad for him, really," Yewon said, slightly looking at Eunbi, checking if her friend was looking at them.

"Didn't he say he really didn't want to do it?" Hansol added and Eunbi dropped her chopsticks before lifting her tray up.

"I'm done. I have to go. Student assistant," she said, voice clipped, and walked away from their table.

The three looked at each other before sighing heavily.

"Can't she for once listen to us?" Hansol asked.

"She's busy dwelling on the fact that she's hurt, she doesn't realize that Jungkook's hurt, too," Seungkwan said and Yewon nodded.

"Well, I can't blame her, though. She's dating an idol," Yewon shrugged.

"I don't know about them, but they clearly like each other so much, they're miserable," Hansol said while shaking his head.

"Well, let's just wait and see where this leads. I have to go," Yewon excused herself.


"You will wait for her here in this cafe," one of the PDs instructed Jungkook who nodded. He had been wearing a fake smile ever since they arrived at the shooting venue. "We'll give you a card and after reading that, you can order for the both of you," the PD added and Jungkook just nodded again.

He let out a heavy breath and fidgeted with his fingers.

"Don't be nervous. You know your wife," the PD said with a smile and Jungkook instantly knew that it was going to be someone from a girl group. He didn't really know any actresses that were close to his age. He just absentmindedly nodded and sat on the chair.

"We'll start in three, two, one. Action!"

Jungkook looked around the cafe, not knowing what to do. He was nervous, but not the kind of nervous where you feel excited as well.

"I'm hungry," he muttered just to not have a dead air for the episode. "They said she'll be here soon. I think she's an idol," Jungkook thought out loud and got a thumbs up from the PDs.

He waited for a few more minutes before a red card was given to him.

"Oh, so this is the mission card!" he said with a smile. "I didn't really think I would be doing this," he added and opened the card.

Your virtual wife will be here soon! Buy her food and a drink. Your wife likes those that are sweet. Make your first meeting something that she would like to remember!

He read it out loud and looked over the cafe counter. There were slices of cakes and he figured that he could just order that. He won't stress himself too much about it. It wasn't Eunbi so what's the use?

He waited for a few more minutes, casually saying things that he thought would be included in the final cut of the episode. What's taking her so long?! He internally whined.

He was about to ask the PD if the girl would be arriving soon when he heard the chime attached to the door, signaling that someone arrived. He craned his neck and he swore his eyes bulged out when he saw who the girl was.

She was wearing a white top paired with a black skater skirt. The girl smiled sweetly and he internally cringed.

"Annyeonghaseyo," she greeted him and he acknowledged it with a small bow.

"Ugh, let's have a seat?" Jungkook awkwardly offered and she eagerly nodded. Jungkook didn't bother pulling the chair out for her, in which she discretely scoffed at, but masked it with a sweet smile nonetheless. The smile looked creepy to Jungkook.

"Wow, you know what I like!" she chimed upon seeing two slices of chocolate cake, one for each of them, and a caramel macchiato for her. It took everything for Jungkook not to roll his eyes.

"Oh, the PDs told me," he said, acting all shy, but just really wanted to embarrass her.

"Oh," she said, biting her lower lip. There was an awkward silence before she decided to break the ice. "You know me, right?"

"O-of course," Jungkook said, scolding himself for stuttering. She was seriously making him uncomfortable. "You're from a girl group, right?" he asked, deciding to play along, and she nodded with a smile that made her eyes turn into crescents.

"I think we need to formally introduce ourselves, don't you think?" she asked and Jungkook sighed, nodding his head. She looked at him, waiting for him to say something and when the BTS member didn't say anything, she discretely widened her eyes, telling him to go first.

Jungkook awkwardly laughed, scratching the back of his neck before extending his arm for a handshake. "Hello, I'm BTS' Jungkook," he said, as enthusiastic as he could, forcing himself to smile.

She giggled before accepting Jungkook's hand. "Hi, I'm Laboum's Solbin."


A friendly reminder that this is just FANFICTION! Please don't take things written here way too seriously.

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