Chapter One - "For the First Time in Forever"

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Chapter One - "For the First Time in Forever"

I rushed out the door, trying to put on my jacket and balance the books and papers in my hand. Just as I went out it started to rain, the cold wet typical NZ rain and I sighed. I already had so much homework for the long weekend, and now the weather sucked too.

The rain got harder, and I paused to rummage for an umbrella but typically being Diya, out of all the useless days I carried my umbrella with me, today of all days I didn’t have it with me. I cursed myself, and reluctantly went outside without any protection. God! I hated the winter, especially days like today. I checked the time, and realised I had exactly two minutes to get to the bus stop. If I missed this bus then the next bus would come 40minutes later and I really didn’t want to stand in the rain. I started running, but there were so many other people opening umbrellas, calling parents to arrange pickups, I was stuck. I walked as fast as I could, trying not to trip over, which was hard enough for me anyway, as I was the person who could trip over cracks in the path, so in weather like this, with the wind blowing my hair in my face and trying to balance my books and shield my papers from getting wet, it was tough. As I got closer to the bus stop, I saw a bus draw up to the stop. I gasped as I realised it was my bus. I started running to the stop, but it was too late. By the time I got there the bus had left, taking what it seemed like most of the people around me, that were faster than me. I really shouldn’t be so surprised. I mean what was I expecting, today was just one of those days.

Slowly the number of people around me dwindled, and I was left alone at the bus stop. Generally I didn’t mind so much, as I would just sit down and read, but it was pointless today. I paced up and down near the bus stop, hoping the bus would just come already. Minutes passed, and looking at my watch just made it seem as if time was going slower and slower. I was cold, tired and hungry. I decided to walk around the corner to the diary and get something to eat. I walked in, and deliberated over what chocolate to choose. Distracted in the tough decision over exactly what would comfort me the most; the crispy goodness of a KitKat, or the deliciousness of caramel nougat combination of a Moro Bar, I wasn’t paying much attention to anything else. Just as I walked up to the counter, I heard a noise that sounded suspiciously like the bus. I left my chocolate where it was, hurriedly apologized to the shopkeeper, and ran for the bus. As I ran, frantically trying to balance my bag, books and papers I saw the bus nearing my bus stop and held my hand out to hail for the bus. In trying to do so, I tripped over, and sent all my books and papers flying.

“Ouch” I cursed gingerly getting up. Great, I had just managed to miss my bus again, it was already in the distance, not having bothered stopping for me.

I sighed, and started picking up my papers and books. It seemed like they had flown all over the road. I picked up the stuff that was close to me, secured in underneath my bag, and got up to cross the road. As I looked up, I saw a boy crossing the road towards me, holding what seemed like very familiar papers.

Surprised, I just stared as he handed me the papers saying “Here you go”.

I smiled at him, and turned to place them with the rest of the papers and bumped straight into a pole. I closed my eyes and staggered backwards bracing myself for the fall, but felt nothing. Confused, I opened my eyes, to find myself looking into a pair of intense hazel eyes. His eyes bore into me, and my head still reeling from the bump, I realised they looked exactly like what chocolate looked like when it was melted. I felt as if I too could melt under his gaze, his eyes were so intense. It is said you can tell a lot about a person by his eyes, and I could see that this person was very intense but the laugh lines around his eyes showed these eyes belonged to someone who also smiled a lot.

Suddenly he smiled saying “Hey are you okay?” and as he did a twinkle came into his eyes. Mesmerized by him, I was lost, confused in this strange sudden rush of emotions combined with my dizziness. It seemed that at this time, there was nothing in this world except his eyes and his smile. Could this really be happening to me? 

Suddenly the theme of tune of “DTPH” started playing, and smiled at the perfectness of it. I wondered where it was coming from, and only then I realised it was my phone. Shocked, I realised I was still in his arms, and I blushed deeply. I steadied myself up, and answered my phone. I turned to talk to my mom and explained to her how I had just lost my bus. By the time I finished talking, I turned around to thank the guy, and  saw he was already walking away.

“Hey, come back” I called after him.

He turned around, and I walked up to him. The two of us, stood there, staring at each other, wondering what to say. I realised I had to make the first move, so I just said “Hey, thanks for helping me out.”

He smiled again, and said “No worries”.

Before he could turn and leave again, I realised I didn’t even know his name, and I knew this would haunt me tonight. 

“Hey! What’s your name?” I called out before I could stop myself. 

The twinkle came back into his eyes as he said “Rahul. Naam toh suna hoga”.

I gasped, not believing what I had just heard, before he burst out laughing saying “Sorry sorry I’m just kidding, my name is Dhruv", he smiled, making my heart skip a beat.  

I let out the breath that I hadn’t even realised I was holding, and told him “Gosh, you got me there. How did you know that was one of my favourite movies?”  

Still laughing, he explained “well it wasn’t too hard, considering that it is your ringtone, and you seem like the type that would watch these romantic movies and stuff.” 

I laughed, as I realised he was right. “So do you like romantic movies too?” I asked.

“Not really. I don’t mind watching them, but I prefer action. I am more Dabbang” he replied.

We continued talking as easily as if we had been friends for years. I didn’t realize how quickly time passed until I looked down at my watch  and realised the bus should be coming anytime.

Not wanting to miss the bus yet again I reluctantly said “it was nice talking to you. Thanks once again.”

He shrugged “My pleasure” and told me to be more careful next time. Just that moment, the bus arrived.

As I was about to get on he suddenly asked “Hey, sorry I didn’t catch your name?”

I smiled and said “Diya. Diya Mehta” and got on the bus.

I waved from the window, as the bus drew away from the bus stop and he waved back. I sat back in my seat, and prepared to relive our whole encounter. What a perfect first meeting. I would love to get to know him further. Dhruv. I wondered when, if, we would ever meet again. Somehow, now my bad mood had disappeared. Maybe it was too soon, but there was some connection with him. For the first time in forever, a fairytale encounter had happened to me. This was special. I just knew it was. 

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