SPINOFF - Aisha and Rohan Christmas Time

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One more spinoff, its not part of the storyline per se, but it fits into the timeline as Dhruv proposes on 14th dec and this is 24th december so it fits into the timeline. I just think this chapter is sweet. Thank you..


Aisha and Rohan - Christmas Time

Countless stars twinkled above us, a cool breeze ruffling my hair, the voices and laughter all around us. The speakers played Christmas music, making the air festive and the atmosphere full of excitement. I scanned my eyes around to look for a place to sit, but the Domain was packed. I spun slowly in a circle and sighed looking at the crowd. I wish I had listened to Rohan when he said lets go earlier, but I guess stereotypically I had taken too long in getting ready. Anyway it wasn’t too late,  the main reason of coming was of course the fireworks which weren’t due to start till 9pm.

 I had never been to Christmas in the Park, I had heard it was quite good, but had never really been that interested. I loved Christmas carols, but only the classics, the ones for little kids. When I told Rohan my favourite carol was Rudolph the Red Nose Reindeer, he laughed and pinched my nose and making it go red, saying it suited me. Now every time I got angry he would laugh because apparently when I got upset my nose went red, and he called me Aisha the red nose reindeer. I smiled remembering and I hoped they would play the carol too. Right now a group of young boys was singing Hark the Herald Angel singing, and they sounded lovely. I hummed along with them, revelling in the joy of Christmas.

“Aisha, I think there is a spot over there” Rohan said, pointing towards a place across from where we were standing. I nodded and we started making our way across. There were so many people here, a rare sight for Auckland to gather so many people in one place, but this was a good event, a place where children, families, and couples alike could enjoy. Rohan tried to push between the people as politely as he could, trying to make way for us to squeeze through the gaps but it was slow progress. He kept on looking back to make sure I was following him, because the last either of us wanted was to lose each other in the crowd. I grimaced as we inched our way across, trying to make sure I didn’t trip over someone because knowing me I was likely to fall into their food and ruin their night and mine, and not to mention having to endure Rohan’s teasing afterwards. It was a struggle to look down and weave my way across and having to keep on looking up to make sure I didn’t lose sight of Rohan and his pink bag either. I smiled again at how funny it looked on him.

Actually the thing was that the pink bag was mine, I had filled it with picnic items such as a mat, a shawl and a few drinks. The bag turned out to be quite heavy but that was why I had filled a backpack so we wouldn’t need to carry it, but Rohan being the gentlemen he was, wouldn’t let me lift it. He insisted on carrying it, even though it made it him look so funny, and adorably cute too. This chivalry was one of the things I loved about Rohan, not all guys would be willing to carry a pink backpack for their girlfriends especially one with Hello Kitty on it, but Rohan didn’t mind. I found it so endearing. He had even offered to lift the basket I was carrying as well, but I refused. I shifted the basket from one hand to another and looked up again to see that Rohan had stopped.

“What happened? Why did you stop?”

He turned around and took my hand in his, and continued walking.

“Rohan, I...”

“Shush, I dont want to lose you in the crowd.”

“Okay...” I smiled, it wasnt like I minded holding his hand. In fact I loved it. I loved it when Rohan took his hand into mine, I liked seeing our fingers intertwined, his slightly darker skin against my fair skin looked nice together.  

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