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If hadn't been all that long since the park incident, and slowly everyone started to forget about it. But (Enemy/Name) didn't mess with you since then. Smiling at yourself in your mirror you belly flopped onto your bed to the small cage sitting on the table. “Bobbie! I'm little cutie! Want a peanut?” You asked your gerbil breaking open a peanut and sticking it through the bars, before leaving your room and sliding down the stairs banister jumping at the bottom to ruffle your brothers hair. “Mom Dad! I'm gonna take Allen to the park, be back in a bit!” You yelled opening the front door just as something flew out of nowhere and smacked you in the face. Holding your nose and blinking a couple of times, you looked down to see a letter. Picking it up and turning around “Allen hold on for a second okay? Dad something came in the mail! It hit me in the face!” You shouted moving into the kitchen. Looking up from his newspaper “Oh? Could it be a love letter from that Parker boy next door?” He teased taking the letter from you. Blushing a little and huffing “Really now dad? Why would the boy who's been throwing mud at my skirt have a crush on me?” You asked flooding your arms and looking away, until Allen came crashing into you. “Does big sis got a boyfriend now?” He asked looking from you to your dad. Seeing as his joke backfired “You better not, you're my baby girl you have to stay my little angel!” He yelled pulling you onto his lap and giving you a bear hug while blowing a raspberry on your neck causing you to laugh and thrash around in his grasp. Kissing your dad's cheek and grabbing the letter “I don't think it's a love letter there's a wax seal on it.” You said flipping the letter over to show your father the seal. Watching his face shift to one of confusion, you hummed then broke the wax and took out the letters with in.


Headmaster : Albus Dumbledore

(Order of Merlin, First Class, Grand Sorc., Chf. Warlock, Supreme Mugwump, International Confed of Wizards)

Dear Miss (Last/Name),

We are pleased to inform you that, you have been accepted to Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. Please find that inclosed in the next letter enlists all the necessary equipment you will be needing with in the year.

The trum begins on September 1srt, we await your your owl for no longer than July 31 srt.

Sincerely your, Minerva McGonagall Deputy Headmistress

You read aloud turning the letter over to see the next one listing off what you needed. Raising a brow “Dad I don't understand, is this written to me because of what I did to (Enemy/Name)? Did I actually use magic on her?” You asked looking back at the letter, hearing your father hum and scratch the back of his head. “Well buttercup I can't really tell you. If you did then you did you feel any different before she went under?” Looking from your brother to your dad “I did a little? It was a hot bubbling feeling in my chest, and then poof she sunk into the sand. And that wasn’t the first time I've felt that same feeling either!” you said holding your chest then flicking out your fingers when you said poof to show them with exaggeration, then through your arms up in the air near the end. “Well then I guess you really did use magic on her. Do you want help writing a reply letter? Im sure this letter  was sent by one of these Hogwarts owls and would most likely take your letter back for you.” Your father said taking you off his lap and and getting out a pen and paper.

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