Baby Dragons

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Sitting in the library the next day you sat a little ways away from Ron and Harry as they were looking through books. Flipping your books page thing to help a bit in the search for Nicholas Flamel you spotted Hermione carrying a huge famIliar book in her hands. Watching as she heaved it onto the table loudly making Harry jump, you leaned in trying to see the cover when Hermione spoke “I had you looking in the wrong section! How could I be so stupid? (First/Name) remember when we checked this out a few weeks ago before break for a bit of light reading?” She asked making you blink and nod a bit “Yeah I was having a bit of trouble in history of magic.” You said as Ron looked at the massive book in shock “This is light?” He muttered making Hermione glare at him before rolling her eyes and going back to what she was saying as she flipped the pages until she came to the one she needed “Of course! Here it is! Nicholas Flamel is the only known maker of the Philosopher's Stone!" She exclaimed pointing to the page. Moving closer you leaned on the table to read upside down as both of the boys asked what it was making the brunette girl click her tongue in annoyance “Honestly, don't you two read? The Philosopher's Stone is a legendary substance with astonishing powers. It will turn any metal into pure gold and produces the Elixir of Life, which will make the drinker immortal." She said narrowing her eyes as if she were spilling some big secret. “Immortal?” Ron asked trying to read the page, “It means you'll never die” Hermione snapped, “And I believe it could heal any wound with the right spell.” You added before Ron could snap back at Hermione, "The only stone currently in existence belongs to Mr. Nicholas Flamel, the noted alchemist, who last year celebrated his 665th birthday!" That's what Fluffy is guarding on the 3rd floor. That's what's under the trapdoor...the Philosopher's Stone!” She whispered making your eyes wide and take a deep breath as everyone looked at each other with both surprise and astonishment. “We have to talk to Hagrid about this. But we have to make sure no one can over hear.” You said looking around as Harry nodded “We’ll go after curfew. We can use my invisibility cloak.” Harry whispered looking at the three of you, blinking in confusion “Wait what? How did you get that?” You asked as Ron smiled “He got it for Christmas. Though we don't know who gave it to him. All we know was that it belonged to his dad.” Ron said looking at Harry who nodded with a smile of his own. Nodding with a hum “That's cool but there's a little problem with that plan, you guys forget I'm not in your house I'm a Hufflepuff remember, my common room is by the kitchens. How am I supposed to meet you without getting caught by Mr. Filch?” You asked worriedly as the librarian told everyone to head to there next class. “Don't worry we'll find a way to come get you.” Hermione whispered as the four of you headed to class. After dinner you were sitting in front of the fireplace in your common room reading as you kept glancing at the clock, tapping your finger on the top of the book as you bid the other Hufflepuffs good night as they headed off to bed. Getting fidgety you stood and walked to the common room door to try and hear for your friends so they wouldn't get doust in vinegar. Jumping as you heard shuffling from outside you swung the door open quickly “Don't knock on any of the barrels or you're going to get doust in vinegar!” You shouted loudly scarring the three “Bloody hell (First/Name)! Are you trying to do, give us all heart attacks?” Ron hissed as Hermione looked at you astonished “The doorway to your common room is boobie trappend? Genius! That means you'd have to know the knock sequence and which barrel to knock on!” She said happily looking over the barrels then at you. A little taken back at how fast she figured that out you nodded slowly “Yeah if you don't knock the right amount of times or on the wrong barrel the intruder will make one of these barrels burst open and splash vinegar everywhere.” You said as Harry threw the cloak over the four of you just as Filch rounded the corner with a lantern in hand. Slowly and quietly sneaking past him 'He really can't see us?” You thought looking back at Filch, when the four of you were out of earshot you ran through the halls and across the wet ground to Hagrid's hut. Knocking on the door loudly as Harry took the cloak away from everyone Hagrid opened the door wearing oven mitts and an apron “Oh, hello. Sorry, don't wish to be rude, but I'm in no fit state to entertain today.” He said shutting the door right after. “We know about the Philosopher's Stone!” All of you said at the same time. Making Hagrid open the door again as you looked at Hermione and whispered jinx with a small smile. Walking through the doorway, “We think Snape's trying to steal it.” Harry said sitting at the table. Looking at him in shock “Snape? Blimey, Harry, you're not still on about him, are you?” He asked shaking his head as you sat down and patted your lap to get Fang to come over to you. “Hagrid, we know he's after the Stone. We just don't know why.” Harry insisted as Hagrid glanced over to a cauldron “Snape is one of the teachers protecting the Stone! He's not about to go and steal it!” He said turning back to the now shocked raven haired boy. “You heard, right. Come on, now, I'm a bit preoccupied today.” Hagrid said trying to get everyone to leave his hut as you played with the black boarhounds wrinkles as he sniffed at Ron making him scoot away. “Wait a minute. What do you mean one of the teachers?” You asked pulling the loose skin back making Fang do a weird grin as hermione sat up. “Of course! There are other things defending the Stone, aren't there? Spells and enchantments.” She confirmed from her spot on Hagrids large chair. “That's right. Waste of bloody time, if you ask me. Ain't no one gonna get past Fluffy. Hehe, not a soul knows how. Except for me and Dumbledore. I shouldn't have told you that. I shouldn't have told you that.” Hagrid said looking away from the four of you just as the cauldron over a fire began to rattle. ‘Oh! Ooh! Ooh! Ooh! Ooh!” Hagrid hooted rushing to the cauldron and taking a slightly burned gold thing from inside and rushed to put it on the table. Standing up and walking over to look at it you stood next to Ron who looked to be confused, “Uh, Hagrid, what exactly is that?” Harry asked looking at it closer “That? It's a... its urm…” Hagrid spluttered trying to find the proper words when Ron's eyes grew wide, “I know what that is! But Hagrid, how did you get one?” He asked looking at the giant bearded man. “Ron what is it?” You asked wanting to know as Hagrid explained how he got it “I won it. Off a stranger I met down at a pub. Seemed quite glad to be rid of it, as a matter of fact.” He said as the gold thing rattled and burst to reveal a tiny baby dragon. Cooing at the small creature as it chirped and slipped on an egg shell. Getting closer to it to try and pet it “Is that...a dragon?” Hermione asked looking at Hagrid worriedly as Ron spoke excitedly “That's not just a dragon. That's a Norwegian Ridgeback! My brother Charlie works with these in Romania.” He said matter of factly as Hagrid teared up a bit while you slowly brushed it's back with two of your fingers. “Isn't he beautiful? Oh. Bless him, look. He knows his mummy. Hehe. Hallo, Norbert.” Hagrid sniffled as The tiny dragon turned to him speaking happily “Norbert?” You and Harry asked looking up at the large man. “Yeah, well, he's got to have a name, doesn't he?” Hagrid said defending the name “Why couldn't you have gone with something cuter?” You whispered and pouted  crossing your arms making Ron snickered “He likes his name just fine, don't you, Norbert?” Hagrid cooed raising his fingers brushing them back and forth across Norberts chin. Smiling at the baby as he backed away you gasped when Norbert hiccupped blowing a fireball into Hagrid's beard. “Hagrid I know you love him but I'd it really safe to have him?” You asked as Hagrid patted his facial hair “Ohh! Oooh, ooh, ooh, well...he'll have to be trained up a bit, of course.” He said when something caught his eye “Who's that?” Hagrid asked making everyone turn. “Malfoy.” Harry growled making you cover your mouth at being caught by him. “Oh, dear.” Hagrid said knowing nothing good could happen.

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