Meeting Famus People

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Getting out of the cab that had taken both you and Professor Quirrell to Diagon Alley. Stumbling a bit "I-I think I'm going to have my Mom drive me next time." You said a bit dizzy. Paying the cabby Quirrell turned to you "I-I guess t-that u-using the magic c-cab wasn't really t-the best i-idea f-for a new found w-witch, s-sorry." Quirrell apologized taking your belonging from the trunk just before it zoomed off down the street. Blinking to regain your bearings "It's fine, I've never traveled that fast before." You said smiling and taking your luggages from the professor, "So where's this bank then? Wait we're in London, where's this alley place you were gonna take me?" You asked looking around and finding a dark nameless building behind you. "T-thats t-the Leaky C-cauldron it's a p-pub and inn f-for traveling wizaders a-and i-its the g-gateway to D-Diagon A-Alley." Quirrell said showing you inside, looking around (Well I guess I can see it's a pub there's so much smoke in here.) You thought wrinkling your nose as you were being lead next to the bar when the door opened again to reveal a very tall bearded man and a boy that looked to be around your age came in next to him. Bumping into Quirrell you quickly apologized but noticed his attention went to the two that had just walked in. "Ah Hagrid, the usual I presume?" The bartender asked a very tall man now known as Hagrid. "No thanks Tom, I'm on official Hogwarts business. I'm here to help young Harry here buy his school supplies." Hagrid said holding the boy's shoulders, looking around the room as it got quiet as the bartender went around the bar and up to boy. Tugging on Quirrell's sleeve "Who's Harry? Why is everyone going nuts abou-" You tried to ask but was shushed when Harry and Hagrid made there way over to the two of you. Watching as Quirrell stepped in there way with a smile on his face "H-Harry P-Potter I-I c-cant t-tell y-you h-how pl-pleased I-I am t-to m-meat y-you!" Quirrell said "Professor! I didn't see you there! Harry this is Professor Quirrell. He'll be your defence against the dark arts teacher at Hogwarts." Hagrid said introducing Quirrell to Harry, peeking out from behind Quirrell to get a closer look at this Harry boy, had Hagrid noticed you. "Ah now who might this las be?" Hagrid asked pointing to you, blinking then moving in front of Quirrell "I'm (First/Name) (Last/Name), a new student at Hogwarts. And Mr. Quirrell was going to help me gather my school supplies because I'm new to the wizarding world." You said bring your hand up shake hands with the Potter boy. Taking your hand "Harry Potter, so you didn't know you could do magic too, huh?" he asked shaking your hand. "H-Hagrid I d-do a-apologize for t-this but d-do y-you think y-you c-could take Miss. (Last/Name) w-with y-you and M-Mr. Potter? I-I have s-s-ome v-very i-important b-business t-to t-take c-care o-of." Quirrell asked placing a hand on your shoulder and bowed a little. "Oh well that's alright. I don't mind one bit, and I'm sure Harry here won't mind either, do ya Harry?" Hagrid asked nodding to you as harry smiled and shook his head. "Welp better be off and help these two get ready for school, I'll see you at Hogwarts Professor Quirrell." Hagrid said ushering the both of you to the back of the pub. As he opened the back door "See Harry you're famous!" Hagrid said happily walking up to the brick wall, nodding with a hum Harry looking behind himself at the pub door. "So why are you famous?" You asked tilting your head as you looked back at Harry, who shrugged in answer. Hearing tapping both you and Harry watched as the brick wall started to shift and change into a stone door way. "Welcome Harry, (First/Name) to Diagon Alley." Hagrid said stepping a side so the two of you could be mesmerised by the bustling sight. As the three of you walked down the alley Hagrid stared pointing out where we could get what we needed for anything wizardry. "Um Mr. Hagrid, Mr. Quirrell said that I would need to exchange my normal money for galleons at a place that goes by the name of Gringotts." You said looking around for the bank. "Ah right he was, I'm taking Harry there so he could withdraw galleon from his saving it's just up ahead." Hagrid said pointing to a large building, that looked to be lopsided and supported by beams connected to other buildings.

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