Chapter Sixteen: Light in the darkness

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Chapter Sixteen

Light in the darkness

There was long silence in the car, it made Moore uneasy. He constantly kept looking at Eron, though he trusted him a little more five hours earlier. They had been driving for about 5 to 6 hours.

Moore's heart hurt. Guilt hit him.

Why did he let this go this long?

Why did he do that?

Why did he let her go in the hospital. It should have been him. 

They pulled on the dirt road, the wheel's hit the dirt, flying rocks in the air. Moore picked up his speed. The car bounced. Moore clutched his stomach. A sharp pain hit it. His finger tips felt wetness on his shirt. He swallowed, and brushed it off.

He cleared his throat.

"Moore." Were are we going?" Eron's voice was shaking.

Moore looked at him, and pointed to the glove department.

"Open it." Eron looked at Moore, and at the glove department.

Eron did as he said, and opened it to find a glock in it.

Moore looked at Eron, and smiled. He reached across the car, and grabbed the glock quickly.

"Can you shoot?" Moore said, hitting a hole in the road.

His speed picked up faster, there were no cars on the road. This road wasn't even on the map, never was, never will be.

The dirt flew behind the car, leaving a trail of dust.

"Moore you have to wait for back-up!" His voice squeaked.

"Like I said, can you shoot?" He paused and looked at him, and back at the road. "You're going to have to learn someday." He looked at Eron. " And that day is today."

His car went to a fast stop. Eron's body jerked forward. He looked up to see a white abandoned building. A white van was parked on the side of it. They were about 50 feet away from it. Until Moore opened his car door, and merely collapsed, he held him self up with the rear view mirror. He clutched his stomach, a blood sinking through his shirt. He closed his eyes tightly. The pain shot through every part of his body. He clenched his fist and winced from the pain. His vision was becoming blurry. Eron ran to his side. He grabbed under his arm pit and pulled him up. Moore handed him the glock.

"You'll need this."

Eron looked at the gun. " I think you'll need it more."

Moore chuckled, and opened the car door, and went under the seat and pulled out the 10mm auto.

Eron chuckled. " You can't actually think I am going to let you go in there by yourself?" 

Moore smiled crookedly, and nodded. "Alice is in there."

Moore walked off, towards the building 10mm in one hand, and the other clutching his stomach. Eron followed behind him, until Moore noticed.

"No Eron. Go." 

Eron stared at him. "Moore, you can't go in there, back-up is on there way." 

"You stay." He paused and stood straight up, in pain. He put his hand in his suit jacket, and pulled out his wallet, he went through his wallet. He pulled out something, and stared at it, tears filled in his eyes, he brushed them away.

"You stay here. Hold onto this for me." He handed the picture to Eron.

Eron took it slowly. The picture was of Moore a few years back, standing next to a women with light brown hair, and Moore was holding a baby girl.

"If I don't come back, give this picture to Aria Stephans, my ex wife Amanda's mother She always wanted that picure.."

Eron nodded, and looked at the glock.

"You don't come out in 20 minutes, i'm coming in."

Moore nodded.

"I'm sorry, I'm not giving this to  Aria Stephans your going to have to give it to her your self." Eron looked at the picture. "I'll be waiting for you."

Eron chuckled. Moore looked at him and nodded, and grabbed the picture, he looked at it and swallowed. 

"You made a beautiful girl Devin Moore." 

Moore looked up. 

"You'll come out fine. For Alice."

Moore nodded, and handed the picture back.

He walked off towards the building.

Time went by so fast. He was standing by the door. The large white building, decayed with years. 

"Hey old fellow, haven't seen you in a while." He said, tensing his jaw.

He ran his hand over the wall. Like he did years ago. 

His hand lingered toward the door knob. Right when his hand touched the door knob, his life flashed right before his eyes.

He closed his eyes quickly, and opened them. He turned the knob slowly. Breathing deep, his vision was getting blurry again. He held himself up by the wall. 

He grabbed his flightlight out of his suit pocket, and flicked it on. His feet smacked on the old, decayed cement floor.

He walked down the long narrow hallway, passing empty dark rooms.

He stopped for a moment, he felt as he needed to. His vision was coming and going, he looked up from the hall way, and saw the light at the end of the hall way flickering. Than his eye's caught the figure standing at the end of the hall way. The figure moved swiftly towards Moore, but his attention was drawn to the light in the darkness.

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