Super Late Semi-Hiatus Notice

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Hey guys.
Let's talk.
So, pretty much, school and art have consumed me. What do I mean by that? Well, school has been piling way too much homework for me, and over the weekends I feel super unmotivated to do anything but relax. The art portion comes in with having to work on collabs and art trades for both online and irl friends. I pretty much have zero time to do anything else, and I'm really sorry about that. I didn't think school would swallow me up to the point where I can't even update that much on here anymore.
However, there is hope.
In a few weeks, my school should be going on break soon!
And ya know what that means.....
I will upload all the stuff that I've doodled that I haven't updated, and maybe even a few school doodles (everyone is calling it schoodles so I guess I'll call it that) and it'll make up for me not being very active on here!
Again, I'm really super sorry about not doing this earlier. I was way too consumed with work, haha;;
Anyways, thanks for understanding and goodbye!

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