Chapter 1-shocking news can change your fate

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Well, hello people! This is my first try at a book and I spent the whole day along with my minion Katherine(katon_kitty)  writing and editing. There is slight profanity here so just warning ya. Anyway without further a due ladies and gentlemen I present to you Blinded!

-Happy reading!

Ainsley P.O.V

The last few days have been hell for me and my sister in the White Oak pack. Up until now I didn’t know that in one week, I could get the most shocking news of my life, and have my world turn upside down. I knew there were pack problems but my dad; Alpha Paul liked to keep us out of it.

 Until now of course, when Adeline and I got home from school. It was a normal day, like any other, or so I thought. As soon as we entered the house we were hit by strong scents that didn’t belong to the pack. All it took was one whiff of the air to know it was the enemy pack, again.

You see there are packs all over the United States, but the only ones I know is the Timber pack and the Dark wood pack. We’re separated by natural borders in the shape of a triangle. Up north is just a lot of forest. But nobody ever goes there; it’s too long of a trip to bump into the next town. And that’s if you know where you’re going.

We already made a peace treaty with the Timber pack, but alpha James from the Dark wood pack refuses to just give peace without a bargain. This is why there have been meetings all week. To agree on something that will assure both packs security of not betraying each other.

Everyday that I get home there was either some kind of argument or a heated discussion.

Surprisingly, today was different. When we entered the living room it was dead silent. My dad was sitting on the individual couch with my mom on the arm. Ryan, his beta was standing beside him, arms crossed, and dead serious. Alpha James and his beta were sitting on the big couch arms crossed, as well.

Mom and dad didn’t look happy at all by the way they were looking at alpha James. Ryan was shooting daggers at him. I almost couldn’t hold back a chuckle at how serious he looked because he’s a total goofball. Especially with me, I’ve known him since we were pups and he’s like my brother. Or should I say protective loser over me.

 I was interrupted from my thoughts when my dad cleared his throat. “Ainsley,” he said with a short nod. For a minute I saw all sorts of emotions in his eyes. Anger, frustration, and sadness. But I didn’t get to linger on it much because he covered it up quickly. “We have news for you, after days of discussing we have finally come to an agreement.”

 “Okay, that’s great.” I said softly in a ‘good but so what?’ voice. I really didn’t see how that news was meant for me. And even though it is big news, they wouldn’t tell me straight away. We would wait for a family pack meeting.

 As if reading my thoughts my dad said “You’re probably wondering why I’m telling you this now and what does it have to do with you, but the truth is,” he stopped for a moment. “It has everything to do with you.” He chocked the last part out, but sobered up quickly.

 The next words were directed at alpha James. “We’ve been trying to agree upon something to be in peace after so long and the only thing we came up with or should I say they came up with is one thing.” He looked at James straight in the eyes. “I’m not going to pretend this is something I like or be happy because I’m not. I only agreed to it for the wellbeing of the whole pack.” He directed his gaze at me, his eyes no longer carrying the warmth that I was used to. “Ainsley, you are to be marked and complete the mating process with James by tonight. And with the two of you mated, we will automatically be in peace.” Nobody made a sound.

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