Chapter 3

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School was over and I hadn't seen Jason again since History. This was the worst possible day ever. One that I couldn't even remember. I drove home, ignoring my family, and throwing myself on the couch, face down. I was hoping I would suffocate myself in the pillow, to avoid going to that stupid concert. Of course, the world wasn't on my side.

"Leave me alone," I groaned, as my mother continuously tapped me just to make sure I was still alive.

I finally sat up and crossed my legs, Indian style, laying the pillow in my lap. "Can you just kill me now before I die of boredom?"

"Sorry, Lori," my mom laughed at my silliness. "You are not getting out if this. You want the car, you will enjoy this concert."

Ugh. Of course, my family is out to destroy my life. Or, what's left of it. Just as I was wallowing in my own self-pity, my tiny-bobbing siblings came running into the room blasting the radio.

"Oh my gosh," Grace screamed. "It's ringing, it's ringing!!!"

Zoë placed the radio on the coffee table, as Grace paced back and forth.

"What, did those twitter stalker find Henry's hotel room?" I mocked.

"I wish..." Sophie smiled. My mom and Zoe giggled.

Grace rolled her eyes, "His name is Harry...and no."

"The radio station is giving out backstage passes,"Sophie started.

"...To caller number 100." Zoe continued.

"...And that could be.." Sophie added.

"...Grace," Grace finished, with a shocked expression in her face.

She started jumping up and down, mouthing to Zoë to turn the radio up.

"Well, congratulation Grace. You are the 100th caller." The DJ announced over the airwaves. "And for being caller 100, you will get a chance to will four backstage passes tonight to meet One Direction. How excited are you?"

Grace screamed, along with the other two brats completely killing my eardrum. Unfortunately, her excited wasn't over yet.

The DJ laughed, "If you want to use those amazing lungs of yours tonight, I need to know if you are 1D's biggest fan."

"Yes, I am," she boasted. "I know everything about them."

"All right, well I want you to answer this one question. Name three 1D ships."

"Name what?" I whispered.

Sophie shushed me as Grace answered he question, " Larry, Nouis, and Ziam."

The radio was silent.

Grace was silent.

Everyone in the room was silent.

I didn't know what a ship was and it didn't sound like she did either. Then the DJ spoke again.

"I'm sorry, Grace..."

"What," she stomped her foot. Anger was clearly in her face.

"I'm sorry," he said again. "...that your friends are gonna be jealous when you go backstage to meet One Direction..."

At that particular point, I'm not sure what the DJ said because the house was filled with screams louder than the engine of a jet plane. Honestly, I think she broke the sound barrier.

He congratulated her again before my mother took over the phone and got all the information needed for the concert. Then, the three brats scurried up the stairs to find outfits.

Grace insisted on roaring through my closet as well. She said, 'You need to look good when meeting my future husband.' As if that was even close to the truth. They weren't going to be interested in her or my other sisters. But I wasn't going to kill their dream...not just yet.

The Night I Accidentally Kidnapped Niall Horan (on hold)Where stories live. Discover now