Chapter 5

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The girls and I got into my mom's minivan and drove to the stadium. They insist on blasting that One Direction CD. Honestly, I was really sick of hearing it. I could never bring myself to listen to the whole album without tuning it out. It wasn't real music. It was teeny bopper madness and I wasn't going to get sucked into it. It just annoyed me. However, my sisters were loving it and singing all the lyrics. It was good to see them smiling again.

We pulled up to the first parking lot. It was the one closest to the front of the stadium but if was full. So were the next three. I circled around to the back of the stadium there were a few more spots available, all the way in the back. This place was ridiculously crowded and there were a few hours before the concert even started.

I slowly scanned each row, trying to find a spot closer to the front. There wasn't much luck and then my phone rung.

"Hello," I answered.

"You really do hate me, don't you," the caller said, through the loud music.

"What," I replied, turning down the radio. I looked at the caller ID. It was Becca. "Oh, hey Becca. What are you yelling about now?"

She started to fake cry, "Your sister wins backstage passes and you didn't even bother to call me."

"I'm sorry, but I didn't even have time to..."

"Time? Time to call your best friend."

"Sorry but we had to leave..."

"Leave? Are you here already?"

"Here," I asked, looking around. "Wait, are you here already?"

"Well, of course I am," Becca replied. "I mean, if I'm gonna be by myself all day, I might as well meet some other fans, too."

I giggled. Becca is always making friends. "So where are you exactly?"

"I'm near Gate C. I heard the guys are coming out here to meet the VIPs. I'm hoping just to see them."

I shook my head, "Well I'm bringing my sisters around to you. That way I can find a parking spot in the stupid place and they won't miss their meeting."

"Okay, see you soon," she said and hung up."

I circled back around toward the front entrance. I drove slowly as the girls looked out the window for Gate C. Honestly, you couldn't miss it. It was the gate with the most people. I know all of those people couldn't be VIP. But if there's a possibility that they could see those losers upload, I guess yet were going to take it. Weirdos.

Becca ran up to the car waving at me. I smiled back at her. The girls nearly jumped out of the moving car to hug her. I turned the blinkers on so I could get out also.

"Oh my gosh," Grace all but screamed. "We are finally here. I can't believe it."

"Well, believe it girl," my boosty best friend said. "And the best thing is, I just saw Paul, the boys manager, and he said that Zayn will probably be coming out here in a few minutes for his cigarette break."

The twins started jumping up and down crazily.

"I hate that he smokes," Grace said. "Bur today, I'm not. I can't wait to meet him, and Harry and Niall and Louis..."

"...And Liam." Becca added. "Just as long as you know that Liam is mines."

Grace chuckled, "Fair enough."

A public safety car pulled up next to my car and a security guy got out of the vehicle. A guy with dark hair, dark sunglasses and a name badge that read 'Davis'. Oh Great, I thought. I cannot get in trouble now. My mother will never let me drive her car if I get a ticket. He walked up to us, sucking his teeth.

"Excuse me, miss," he said, with his hands on his waist. "Is this your vehicle?"

"Yes it is, officer. I'm about to move it right now." I explained moving towards the car.

He held out his hand in front of me. "Well, you just hold on right there."

I stopped hard before I ran into his hand. He took his sunglasses off and placed them in his shirt pocket. Then, he looked at me as if I robbed a bank.

"Is there a problem, officer," I asked.

"Yes, it is a problem," he said. "You teeny bopper kids think the world revolves around some boy band, parking where ever you want just to see them and ruining my parking system."

Wait, what? I definitely do not think the work revolves around these guys. they aren't even a real boy band. What is this guys deal? if he wasn't in authority, I would really give him a piece of my mind. Unfortunately, I would get in major trouble and never see the inside of that cherry red Mazda 6. So, I kept it cool and used my girly voice.

"I'm sorry, officer. I was just dropping my helpless little sisters off with my best friend so they won't miss the concert. I wanted to be responsible and leave them with someone I know would take good care of them. I have to park very far away and I don't think they would have walked that far back in time. They really had their hearts set on this concert and I don't want to ruin anything for anyone."

I put on my best pout and have him the puppy eyes. He stared at me for a moment. I wasn't sure if it worked, but I was hoping it did. Finally, a smile danced across his face.

"Alright, little lady," he said, putting his shades back on. "You can finish dropping ya little sisters off."

"Thank you so much, officer. I'm leaving in one minute. I promise." I smiled.

I turned to whisper to the girls.

"What the hell was that," Becca whispered.

"It was my way out of a parking ticket." I explained. "Listen, can you take the girls to the VIP thing. it's about to start soon and I still have to find a parking space."

"Oh my god, for real," Becca squealed.

"Yeah, for real. I'm not going to make it back in time so go with them and have fun."

Becca hugged me in a death grip, thanking me about a million times. I think I just killed my best friend. I left the girls with Becca and heading back to my car. The security guard was sitting in his car besides mines, waiting for me.

"Well that was touching," he smiled, with his window half cracked. "Listen, I know a spot where you can park your car. It'll be closer than the other one and you can get back to you family."

"Really," I asked, excited.

"Yeah, sure. Just follow me."

Then he pulled off towards the back of the stadium and I followed behind him. He was actually quite nice. Nicer than I expected. The parking lot was way closer than the one I original drove through. Probably about a ten minute walk back to the front doors. It was cut off from most of the other lots but there were other vans similar to mines nearby. A whole row of them. The officer flagged me goodbye and I returned with a wave.

Finally, I'm here and I'm still not prepared for the atrocity that's about to commence. Millions of screaming girls fanning over a pointless group of nobodies singing a bunch of crappy songs. I held onto the steering wheel with both hands, gripping it tighter and tighter.

Breathe, Lori. Breathe. I told myself. It's just one concert, not the end of the world. I can do this I can fake it. It won't kill me. I breathe in and out slowly, relaxing all my muscles. If I'm not ready now, I never will be.

The engine was still running and I was wasting fumes sitting here. I looked down at my car keys and sighed. I better go now before I change my mind. I reached for the keys to turn off the car when I felt the car shake. Someone opened the back door and got in.

Did one of the girls forget something? How did they find me so fast? I looked up into the rear view mirror at the person in the backseat. It wasn't the twins looking for their bag of lip gloss or my bratty sister Grace here to tell me to get my butt out the car. I even would have been satisfied seeing Becca, yelling at me to get out the car. No, it wasn't any of them. It was...

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