Chapter 6

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I turned completely around to face the mysteriously person. It was a boy. Not just any boy, he was one of them, one of those Direction kids. He was trying to figure out how to fastened his seatbelt, not even noticing me. I quickly turned back around, so he wouldn't really see me. I stared at him, through the rear view mirror.

"Let's get to Nando before the photos start," he said, finally connecting the belt to the fastener. He sat back and relax when he finally looked up and saw me. "Oh I'm sorry. Must'a got in the wrong car...again."

His wide smile was so bright that it was nearly blinding. Is this a dream? This has to be a dream. There is no way this can actually be happening. A boy from the nobodies is sitting in my car. If my sisters were here, they would be all over him. Well, I'm not my sister but I also wasn't thinking clearly either.

"So, are you going to let me out?" he asked, staring at my speechless face.

His bright blue eyes were more intense than the poster revealed. I didn't know what to do. All sense told me to unlock the door so he could get out. However, all my sense were out the window. I turn on the child locks and pulled off. His body jerked back as the car raced out of the parking lot.

"What do you think you're doing," he said, sliding across the seat as I turned a corner.

"I don't know. Just be quiet." I snapped, turning another corner and exiting the parking lot.

What was I doing? Am I really leaving with him? Did I just kidnap someone? Yes, I did. I just kidnapped someone. Not just anyone, someone supposedly famous. I was completely out of my mind. I looked in the rear view mirror, at the stadium behind us. The passenger in the backseat was frantically pulling at the door handles, trying to escape.

"Stop that," I said, trying to remain calm. But he continued to panic. "STOP IT, I SAID" I yelled a bit louder. He stopped cold, leaning as far back against the seat as he possibly could. "Just stay calm and I promise I won't hurt you."

Hurt him? I didn't really want to hurt him. I didn't plan to hurt him. I really didn't plan any of this. I don't even know what I'm doing. But now, I have an opportunity to get the bottom of this boy band theory and Niall Horan was the prefect guy to solve this problem. Now, I need to come up with a real plan and fast.

"Just take me back and we can forget this ever happened," he claimed in his thick accent, sounding more scared than me.

"I can't," I told him, panic. "Just let me think for a second."

I turned another corner, passed the security office and off the property. The security guard from early watched as my car sped away for the facility. I was on the open road with a celebrity in my backseat. I hope he didn't see him.

"What do you want," he asked. "Concert tickets? I can get you in, if you take me back."

"I don't want any stupid tickets," I snapped.

"An autograph, then."

"Why would I want your autograph," I laughed. "You aren't even in a real boy band."

"So what, then," he asked frustrated. "What do you want from me?"

What do I want? From him? What do I want? I thought. I don't know. Maybe peace on earth and good will for all man. Maybe, I want all the wars to stop. Maybe, I want a cure for all diseases. Maybe, I want...No, I know what I want. I want the world to know what a real boy band looks like. I want everyone to know that One Direction is not a boy band and to stop idolize them like one.. I want people to realize that they can lip sing without one of their own. What I want...

"What I want is for you to shut up so I figure out what I want," I yelled.

His head snapped back and he remained quiet. Wow, did I just say that to him? Oh my gosh. My mother would kill me if she heard me talking like this. What am I going to do? What can I do? I need to keep him calm and still reveal the dis-functionality of their so-called boy band. I didn't have a clue how to do that either.

I was driving down Long Lane. This road lead right towards my school in about 12 miles or so. I'll just stay on this road until I can think of something. My passenger was quiet and my speed was decreasing to the normal limits. He looked scared like a frighten kitten. I had to do something to get him to relax. I mean, I really wasn't going to hurt him.

"So," I started, looking between the rear view mirror and the road. "You sing, huh?"

He nodded his head.

"Do you really sing, or just move your lips to a recording on stage?"

He frowned his eye brow, "I can really sing."

"Oh," I replied. "Well, good...."

He leaned forward a little bit, which made me nervous. Was he going to try something to get out of this car? Brace yourself, Lori. I gripped the wheel tight and waited for something that never came. Instead, he spoke again.

"What's your name?"

My name, I thought. Why does he want to know my name? Do he need that for when he file his lawsuit against me? So he can press charges against me? There's no way I'm giving him my real name.

"Its..." I paused, thinking of something. Melissa. Sasha. Karen. "Chrissy."

"Chrissy," he repeated.

"Yes, my name is Chrissy."

"Well, Chrissy," he smiled. "It's nice to meet you."

Why was he trying to be nice? Was this some kind of trick? Or am I just being paranoid? He leaned back against the seat and looked out the side window. maybe he isn't a bad guy but that still doesn't make him part of a boy band.

That's when it hit me. I'm going to expose them for what they are, frauds. When the others noticed that he's missing, they will perform without him and sound as ridiculous as they look. In the meanwhile, I have a few hours before anyone knows he's missing. I'm starving.

"Are you hungry," I asked, watching his reaction in my rear view mirror. His face lite up with a quick yes. So I decided to drive to a local Nando's. It was on the way to the school. They have really good wraps. I'm sure I have just enough time to prove my point and get him back before I get into trouble. At least, I hope so.

The Night I Accidentally Kidnapped Niall Horan (on hold)Where stories live. Discover now