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Tears mixed with blood on the ground as I held a cool rag on the bruise underneath my eye.
I was a Chambers meaning my drunken father was like a shadow cast on my life.
I hadn't gotten home on time therefore he had punished me greatly leavening me with a bloody nose, a cut underneath my eyebrow, and some bruises.
I'm pretty sure the ones underneath my eye was an accident. He usually doesn't leave marks where they could be publicly seen.
I rub my hands across my face and shake my head. I feel weak.
'God...military branches go through worse' I think trying to convince myself I would be fine.
I could still hear my voice echo through my brain.
'Richard please!'
I thought he would say something.. he just shook his head and slowly walked out of the room.
Chris was...well...who the hell knows. He hasn't been at home very much recently.
I try to shake the paining memory. A tear falls and it catches my attention to the mirror.
"Pussy..." I mumble into the air.
I glare at the sight of me...a disgrace was the word my father used.
In a swift movement I threw the nearest thing at the reflection and watch as the glass shatters, crumbles, and slices toward the floor.
The next moment I was running. I don't know where just running. The sun drew attention to my scars and I felt people stare intensely at me. I just kept running and taking turns, alleyways, and almost falling more than once.
I looked across the street to see my eldest brother 'Eyeball' and Ace. He looked sad at the sight of me.
He never treated me like he did Chris. Maybe it was because I was a girl or because I had sympathy for me.
Either way for some reason I still loved him.
I wasn't paying attention when I took the next corner and ran into someone.
The impact caused me to fall.
"Ah shit. Sorry......Y/N?" I hear a familiar voice pierce my thoughts. I look up to see Chris's friend Gordie standing directly above me. His eyes glinted as they widened at the sight of me.
"Ohyathatsfine" I jumble my words and try to look away hoping he wouldn't notice the purple and blue patch underneath my eye.
"Y-your bleeding Y/N?" He says and grabs my hand pulling me up.
"I-I am?"I touch the side of my face. Indeed I was bleeding. I line of blood streamed down my face.
It seemed to sparkle in the bright light but dried fast in the intense heat.
"I am." I state staring at the ground.
Out of nowhere he grabs my face and studies the bruise below my eye.
"Who did this?" He asks but after a moment realization crept across his face.
He just nodded his head before I could answer.
"C'mon" he took my hand and lead started to lead me somewhere.
I had know Gordie liked me for a while. I'm not just being egotistical Teddy would not shut up about it.
"Where are you taking me?" I ask but he just said nothing. We weaved through sidewalks and shortcuts.
I realized I recognized this street. He was taking me to the treehouse.
We both stumbled our way up the hill and approached the ladder. I had only been here around four times when Chris and I wanted to get away from our dad. Chris is my twin of course. Some think I'm older because of my maturity except I'm younger than him by 6 minutes.
The ladder creaked as we both climbed up into the treehouse. I looked around having not been in here for a few months.
Gordie was scrabbling and shuffling things. He pulls a sleeping mat from the corner and a blanket.
"Here...you can't stay at that house anymore" he orders. I had never heard Gordie talk that ways to someone.
"...what?" I say a little harsher than intended.
"Ok...I don't want you to stay in that house anymore" he returns with a stern tone.
"Gordie this is sweet and all...but it ok.." I force a smirk and nod my head.
He just gives a disbelieving look and folds his arms. I could tell he was worried. I didn't know that the damage was that bad. I give it a though and decide even if I did stay my father won't even remember what happened let alone that I was gone.
"I-if it makes a difference over your stress...I'll stay...for TONIGHT!" I smile and nudge his arm.
I start to unroll the mat when I spot a notepad. I squint and try to get a look at the words. I pick it up assuming it was a story Gordie wrote.
"No way! Gordie...is this a new story?" I hold the spiral up and point at it. He just smiles and nods his head.
I go over and sit by him and began reading silently whilst he read a comic.
The story was about a girl that was once so happy. She had a ton of friends, she was kind, and popular.
One day her whole world changed. A second conscious circulated and it was an everyday problem.
The voice would follow her around, verbally abuse her, and judge her every move.
She found she couldn't get away from it.
It was really sad but I continued reading.
Then one day she went home and shot her dad. Only to go join the Texas Rangers.
"Woah! So she went home...and shot her dad...to join the TEXAS RANGERS!?" I repeat to Gordie. I stifled a laugh as his eyes go wide with confusion. He glares down at the neatly crafted paper.
"It wasn't supposed to be finished....Goddamnit Teddy!" He mumbles. I smile and nod as he shakes his head.
"It's really great!...except for that last part"
"Thanks....I....uh wrote it about you ya know" he scratched the back of my neck. I give a side glance and notion for him to explain.
"Well...you were telling me how you felt as if your father was a shadow, casting a dark cloud over everything you do.
I remember when you were so happy and cheerful...Chris too. I just felt as if it would make a good story some day"
I think about everything he just said trying to comprehend. I bite my lip masking a cry and staring at my hands.
Turning my body so I was facing him I gave a thankful look.
Before I could stop myself a pressed my lips to his. Eventually he returned as I rest my hand on his shoulder.
We didn't even hear the approaching thumps of the ladder until the door burst open. We immediately pull away.
"...LACHANCE? Why the HELL are you sucking my sister's face!?" I hear Chris's voice and look to see him climbing up.
"WHAT! I WANNA' SEE! WHO IS IT?" I hear Vern's voice from below.
"YOUR A DEAD MAN LACHANCE!" I hear Teddy say and his signature cackle follows.
Gordie's face is as red as a fire truck when I look back at him. I start laughing and can't stop.
I practically fall over and can't breathe. After laughing my ass off for around five minuets I open my eyes to see Chris leaning over me cocking and eyebrow. I gasp and sit up, hugging him.
"Chris! I haven't seen you in TWO days!" I yell and poke him in the arm.
"Did ya hear!? THEY FOUND RAY BROWER!!! They don't know who though" I ask with wide eyes.
"Ya....I heard" he says plainly then looks at me with realization. Chris studies my face with sadness.
A tear fell from his cheek and he kissed my forehead.
"I'm sorry..." he shakes his head. I feel tears welling up in my eyes but I try to get back on topic so I don't embarrass myself.
"Oh...I'm fine...HEY! Don't try to change the fucking subject! Why were you all up on me Mr. LaChance?" I say peering at Chris and back to Gordie. Now Teddy's found his way in and Vern popped his head up.
I start laughing again but cover my mouth when Chris glares at Gordie.
Teddy punches Gordie's shoulder.
"You really have to let the girl make the first move Gordo?" Teddy says and laughs while Gordie rolls his eyes.
I stare out the window watching the clouds pass by while the boys argued and joked.
It was a fact that the cut below my eyebrow would leave a mark but I would never forget this memory.

Yeaaaa that's a bad ending so I will probably change it! This one was long on purpose btw!
Hope you liked it! I have nothing else to announce!
I appreciate you reading! See ya!!-Kace

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