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I wake to a stream of Gold flowing through my window, bathing my white sheets. I'd forgotten how bright the Florida sun could be on mornings, I'd gotten so used to the German dullness after so long there. I wipe my paining eyes and turn over in my bed, a new day is here... I wonder what new things come with it. I recall the events of last night, the way I couldn't contain myself, the way Jack's arms came over me, calming the storm, I knew seeing him today would be beyond awkward. I sigh at the thought.

I turn the beautiful handle on the shower and await the water's impact, it comes from every angle, washing everything away. I pass my hand through my hair, along my shoulder down my hand, the water leads and follows. I wash my eyes, the coolness of the water soothes, I close them and feel the water on my skin going even deeper.

I switch of the water and step out of the bathroom. My clothes are already laid out, I pull them on, a simple top, slack cotton pants and slippers, then I head downstairs.


I reach down just in time to catch mom having breakfast. The maid brings my plate in as I sit next to mom on the gorgeously crafted oak dining table.

"Morning baby, how'd you- she cuts her sentence when she sees how red my eyes are. "Is everything okay sweetie?"

"Yea mom, I.. I just.. it's nothing,"

"sweetie, it's not nothing, you've been crying..."

"Mom... I'm okay"

She purses her cherry lips, her eyes are soft with concern, "Ali, you know you can come to me with anything, okay?"

I nod, she smiles at me and we continue to eat. The food is exquisite, I could get used to this.

"Mom, where's um, Jack?"

"Oh he's at work, he got an early call to handle some stuff, why?"

The dreaded 'why,'

"Well, I just thought you guys ate together and stuff like that." I couldn't tell her the real reason I wanted to know where he was, hey mom, I cried in your husband's arms last night, now I want to know where he is so I can awkwardly avoid him.

"Well we do actually, we have breakfast together almost every day, except those when he has urgent business to attend."

"Oh, okay, speaking of urgent business, when are you flying for Hong Kong?"

"Well My flight actually leaves tomorrow night at Eleven, but check in is around ten."

"Oh," I sigh. "Sweetie, I know its tough that you just got here and I have to go but I promise I'll make it up when I get back, I'm only supposed to be gone a week tops,"

"It's okay mom, I know you want to further your career and I know you love to work and you seem happy, that makes me happy...I remember how times were growing up... before I left four years ago, I remember how frustrated you were and I'm so glad those times are behind us now, I just... want to reconnect, but its okay." I smile at her, I meant everything I said. "Thanks so much dear, you look happier too, you've grown so much in those years, its like I'm not looking at my baby girl anymore, its like I'm looking at a woman." Those words warm me, I have my mom back, we hug.


After breakfast I run up to my room and go to my phone, I dial my best friend Laura's number. "Hello? Laura?"

"Heyyy girl, what's up," she answers, I smile, "Still coming to visit later?"

"Of course hun, I gotta see ya' got the world of things to talk about, I'm so excited,"

"So am I, I have so much to tell you as well."

"Alright then, Imma be over around lunch, see ya soon Alli."

"Alright see you soon ." I hang up and lay back on my bed, laura's coming, its been so long, she's always been able to lift my spirits, today is going to be amazing, I can feel it.

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