The end

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  The referee claps and we start the round, bulldog comes out slowly, I notice a limp on his lead leg. Its from the kicks I put down in the last round.

I circle the cage, mindful of the power in his hands. He allows me to circle without charging in to me, I'm guessing its because he is tired. I charge in pawing at him with my Jab, he moves his head out of the way only to be stung by a right hook. I follow up with a kick to the body, he catches me with a hook but its to soft to do any real damage.

  He seems to be slowing down, I have him now. I charge ahead fakeing a right hook and following with a head kick that connects straight across his face. Bulldog is hurt. I swarm in unloading punches careful not to collect another surprise hook, but he isn’t as hurt as I thought, he fires back punches at me and we duke it out punch for punch in front of each other. The crowd roars as we fire off. I catch him clean on the jaw and he stumbles but the shot he returns with disintegrates whatever of my resilience is left, my legs give out and I go down for the third time.

He gets in on top of me but this time I don’t have the strength to hold him with my arms, my face is covered in blood and my left eye is now swollen shut, this is it, the final few minutes of the fight.

  As he comes down on to me, I remember a trick I have up my sleeve, I lift my legs up and wrap them around his neck, holding him in a choke called the triangle. This is it, I hold on to the choke with everything I have. I look down at my legs around his neck and I see him start to turn red and fade out, I know this is it, I squeeze with everything left in me as he struggles and squirms to get out until he stops moving… he passed out surely, then I feel my back leave the ground, he wasn't out. Bulldog lifts me off the ground, with everything in him and brings me down hard, I feel my back smash against the canvas as well as my head.

   My legs go limp and so do my arms, his hand smashes in to my face but  I don’t feel a thing. In fact I feel no part of me, he smashes in to my face again, this time my mouth guard pitches out and blood fills my mouth, once more he hits me and I see the referee holding him back, he slams on me again and things go black.


The referee does his best to pull bulldog off but he isn’t strong enough, I run in to the cage along with max and the other officials who grab bulldog and pry him away from Jack’s unconscious body. I knew I should’ve stopped this. We run over to jack with the medics who turn him to his side and check if he’s breathing. He's breathing but he’s out cold. His eyes are half open but there’s no one there. His face is covered in blood and battered severely.

“Coach, what the hell just happened!”

I don’t have an answer for max, Jack got beat. This is his first loss ever, Age is catching up on him. It was inhuman the level of strength bulldog showed when he lifted jack like that. I knew he shouldn’t have taken the fight.

  “Coach he’s coming around,” jack coughs and opens his eyes, “W-what happened?” I kneel down and tell him, “You lost…”

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