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"One two one two, One one two two," My fists slap against the focus pads my coach is holding as he calls out combinations of punches and I throw accordingly. "Right hook, left hook, wait a second, time it, then throw a high roundhouse kick," I do as he says, "There we go, that's it, a little more power on that kick, we want when this guy takes it in the head he goes down and doesn't wake up til' tomorrow." I nod as I raise my hands and get ready to repeat the sequence.


Unwrapping my hands after a training session has always been the time I take to reflect. Images of last night start to play but I can't remember what dream I had. The only thing I can remember is the fear. I clench my jaw as I unravel my hands, each layer of cotton I remove feels as though it's a layer of armor falling off. Every day is the same... Then I start to think about last night with Alice, when she fell in to my arms, when tears were streaming down her face... how I felt, how she smelled, it was all just, strange. If I see her today I don't know how I'll respond to that. I feel a hand on my shoulder cutting through my thoughts of her, It's Elias, my coach.

" Jack, that was some good work today, I'm confident you're body is ready for Wednesday night."

"Yea, me to."

"It's your mind I'm worried about, you seem distracted, and there's no place for distraction when that cage door shuts... maybe in your other fights, but not this one, bulldog is a monster."

"I know Elias, I could handle it man."

If I'm being honest with myself, there's doubt in my heart, there's just so much going on, but I have to push it aside, I have to get in there, and I have to do this, it's the only way I stay sane.

"Well Jack, I'm just looking out for you man, as a trainer and as a friend."

I nod at him, "Well, that's not the only thing I came to talk about, if you beat bulldog your record will raise to Thirty wins and no losses, which means you'll be breaking a record, and most likely you'll be in direct contention for a title shot, you'll have a chance to become the champion of the organization you fight under." I already knew that, and I'd been dreading this day, becoming champion would mean media attention, media attention meant scandal, bad press and possible brand damage to Carlisle industries, I mean, which respectable C.E.O beats men half to death in his spare time, the media would have a field day with this.

"I'll handle it Elias."

"alright man," he pats me on the back and leaves. I get up and head to the locker room, after morning sessions like this, I usually change in to my work clothes and go home, Karen can't know about this, she wouldn't understand. I get in to the shower, and the water hits in waves.


The car hums as I pull in to the drive way. I get out and head inside to look for Karen, "Karen, baby?" I call out through the house, there's no response, I head out back to the pool, as I push the sliding door open my heart stops. I'm face to face with Alice, and she has a friend over... This is going to be interesting.

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