Jack (Cont'd)

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We arrive for six at the fight venue, sign in and head to the dressing room. We wait until eight to start warming up.
“Jab, straight, right high kick!” my high kick smacks in to Elias’ training pads pushing him to the side.

“That was powerful, you’re sharp and ready to go, jack, just keep your head in the game and remember your training, there isn’t much he can throw at you that you haven’t prepared for.”

I nod, I know I’m ready, this is the best version of me there’s ever been and he’s about to feel that. The dressing room doors swing open. Its some members from the commission, a lanky bald fellow from the group calls Elias over and speaks to him, me and Max continue to warm up.

"You have this one today Jack, I can feel it." Hit that combo one more time. I do as max says. Then we switch to take down defenses. I look over to Elias and he seems to be in some kind of quarrel with the comission members. He raises his both hands and turns around. He comes back to us with his hands on his head cursing to himself.

“Jack, sit down, we have to talk…”
“What’s the matter…”
He pulls a chair and sighs loudly, “Well… Jack… those guys from the commission just explained to me, that there was some sort of discrepancy over bulldog’s weigh in, apparently he weighed in over the weight limit…”

“And they’re just NOW telling us this?”

“Yea… that’s bullshit, But I don’t know what happened, point is, they’re asking whether you’ll still take the fight.”

“Well, how much over was he?”

“Seven pounds, they said he started his cut at 235lbs…”

“What the hell,”

“yea…you shouldn’t accept the fight, that’s crazy, you weighed in this evening at barely two fifteen” max interjects.

  We both look at him because we both know he’s right. Two hundred and thirty five pounds means that when we get in that cage he’ll be twenty pounds heavier than me meaning he could very well ragdoll me in there. That makes me want to fight him more.

“Jack, don’t take the fight…” I look at Elias as he says it and I remember our talk earlier… but I don’t care.

“If I don’t take the fight, do I get the title shot still?”

“That’s up In the air, but I doubt…”

“I’ll take it.”

“Jack what the fuck,” max blurts out,

“You can’t be serious.”

“Since when are you concerned about the belt? You’re not fooling me Jack this isn’t about some stupid belt, stop this before its too late…”

“No, you’re my coach, do what a coach does and tell them the fight is on.”

He looks me dead in the eyes. “No, I’m not your coach any more, as a Friend I can’t watch you destroy yourself out there again. I’m done. He gets up,"

“Elias, you can’t just leave, I mean I agree that its a stupid thing to take this fight but... Jack still needs our help” Max says.

  I look at them both and say nothing. I understand why Elias is leaving, and I respect it but I’m going out there.

“ Elias, I’m going to fight with or without you.” He pauses for a moment on his way out, but then he continues, shutting the door behind him.

“Well, Max, looks like its just us, get the hand wraps, you’re my corner for this fight.”
Max nods, I’m going to bring it tonight.

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