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I lean my head back as the car zips down the coast, it’s a bright beautiful Tuesday morning, the place is clear and the sea looks blue today. I have no time to enjoy it though, my body aches, my head hurts and I'm depleted.
Concentrating on anything feels difficult. Today is the last day of my training camp, and its also the hardest. Today is the day I have to cut weight and weigh in.
  I weigh two hundred and twenty pounds right now and by 6pm I have to weigh two hundred and five pounds in order to fight. To get to that weight I’ll have to go through a process of dehydration, which is hard on my body but it gives me an advantage in the fight because when the human body dehydrates and loses most of its water, that translates in to weight lost. when it’s given water it rehydrates to its original weight within a few hours.

“Sir, we’ll be downtown at about ten am.”

“Okay, thanks joseph.”

I’m not looking forward to reaching, cutting that weight is one of the most terrible things a human can experience but its what I need to do to win. I’ll do anything to win.

  My body is only capable at my age to cut around fifteen pounds of weight healthily. I’ve heard rumors that bulldog cuts up to twenty five pounds, which means I’ll be fighting a guy ten pounds heavier than me most likely. I grimace at the thought, he must hit like a freight train. It doesn’t matter, I have the tools to finish him quick.
  I stumble out of the sauna covered in sweat, dizziness takes over. “grab him quick max,” Elias shouts, I feel my feet come out from under me, just as I fall, max catches me, Elias sits me down, I can barely see them, “Jack, when you went in to the sauna, your weight was Two O’ nine, come on man you gotta make it to the scale,”
They lift me and I stumble over, I use the little strength I have to step on to the scale, Two hundred and four pounds. I’m out of breath and energy, but I made weight.

“Okay bud, its five forty five which means in fifteen minutes we’re heading down to do the official weigh in and we’ll head back to the room for You to rehydrate and rest.”
I nod, because that’s all I have the strength to do.
I lay in bed, if heaven was a place on earth, it’d be your bed after weiging in for a fight. I’d gotten fluids in me after the fighting commission took my weight so now I feel a lot better but still exhausted. I have at least twenty hours before the fight tomorrow night, by then, I’ll be ready to go. I try to keep the fight my only focus but thoughts of Alice at home flood my mind. I hope she’s okay.

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