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a voice of a girl echoed all over the room, i looked everywhere, but there was no one there.


the voice was getting closer, and it repeats all over again. i cover my ears, but it didn't really work.

"mark! come back!'

no no, this can't be her.

"mark! i still love you!"

no, not you again.

"k- koeun?"


"k- koeun where are you?!"

why are you finding her? she broke your heart.


i turned around to see the girl that i had back then, smiling at me, making me want to forgive her for all those things that she had done.

"mark, please come back."

"but, i thought you had jeno. . ."

"i broke up with him, just for you."

no, no i already love someone else.

"who is it?"

"w- what?"

"tell me, who is it?"

i. . .i can't tell her, but i don't love her anymore.

"why, are you afraid to tell me?"

"koeun, stop."

i covered my ears, but nothing really works, my head is aching, i wanted to scream as her voice is getting louder.

"mark come back! i still love you!"

"i don't love you anymore!"

her voice was getting louder, until it eventually became a scream.

that lead me to waking up.

it was only a dream, calm down.

"wow, great to waking up early." i looked at haechan it's sitting my study chair, probably waiting for me to walk up, then i looked at the clock on my wall.

it's already 10am.

shit, i'm late.

"why didn't you woke me up?!" i said as i got out of my bed and grabbed a towel and started walking to my bathroom.

"you were busy dreaming! can't you tell?!" i was about to open the door but i stopped at my tracks, then turned around to see him again.

𝟼:𝟶𝟼 × 𝚖𝚊𝚛𝚔𝚑𝚢𝚞𝚌𝚔 [✔️]Where stories live. Discover now