thank you + facts

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i don't know if anyone would read this, but i lowkey hope you do (that is if you're interested ;)) because there's some facts yall need to know about this book, some sad (i think), some happy?? not sure, it's all up to you guys. :]

i don't wanna make this longer, i just wanted to thank all the readers who supported from the very beginning until the end of this book. it took me way longer than i expected, i'm sorry for those who patiently waited for my updates just to read this. i hope i made you happy and sad at the same time because it's the end of the story, but don't worry, markhyuck is never an end. :(

anyway, here are some facts you should (probably) know about this book:

1. this is a series book. i decided to made it a series half way of this story, and you can check it out from the very beginning or to my profile to check out who's ship is next. :]

2. there's no sequel. guys, i really apologize but this won't have a sequel ㅜㅜ forgive me but i'm still on school trying hard to suck my brains to studying so i have no enegry or i'm blocked out whenever i update. my apolozies again, please forgive me.

3. this books is suppose to have a tragic ending. i kid you not, i've been planning that since the very beginning of the story. but i saw all your comments and i'm like "gaddamit, they wanted a happy ending!" and i don't wanna disappoint you all, and beside i always check all your comments and you all wanted happy endings ;-;. so tada!!

4. yuta and winwin were kun and hansol's human back then. i guess some people knew this already, but the reason why winwin and yuta never forgot their genies was because they were only captured and was put in the dungeon in several years, meaning winwin and yuta waited but then forgets that they had a genie anyway.

5. someone was stalking them. i also guess you all have some theories (if that's the right term) already, but i'll leave you all hanging and just wait for that book that have them stalking markhyuck. ;)

p.s. it's 2(/3) of them. ❤️

6. johnil barely appears here so be prepared for the next book. just to give you guys some reminders. :>

i think that's about it for now, once again, thank you for supporting this book. i'm looking forward that i'll soon can talk to you all or at least reply to you comments.

do yall wanna have an alternative(/tragic) ending?

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